Three serials of The Museum of Texas Tech Lhiiversity are published by Texas Tech LIniversity Press. Short research studies are published as Occasional Papers, whereas longer contributions appear as Special Publications. Papers of practical application to collection management and museum c:)perations are issued in the Museology series. All are numbered separately and published on an irregular basis.
The preferred abbreviation for citing The Museum’s Occasional Papers is Occas. Papers Mus., Texas Tech FIniv.
Institutional subscriptions ($19/yr., typically 10 numbers issued per year) are available through Texas Tech University Press, Sales Office, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas 79409. Individuals can purchase separate numbers of the Occasional Papers for $2.00 each from Texas Tech ETniver- sity Press. Remittance in FI.S. currency check, money order, or bank draft must be enclosed with request (add $1.00 per title or 200 pages of publications requested for foreign postage; residents of the state of Texas must pay sales tax on the total ptirchase price). Copies of the “Revised checklist of North American mammals north of Mexico, 1986” (Jones et ai, 1986, Occas. Papers Mus., Texas Tech ETniv., 107.1-22) are available at $1.25 each in orders of 10 or more.
ISSN 0149-175X
Texas Tech Elniversity Press Lubbock, Texas 79409-1037
22 APRIL 1988
Richard W. Manning, Clyde Jones, J. Knox Jones, Jr., and
Robert R. Hollander
Although the pallid bat (Antrozous pallidus) long has been recognized as a species indigenous to the Panhandle of Texas and adjacent areas, there has been controversy in the literature as to the correct subspecific allocation of specimens from that region. In the most recent study of geographic variation in this species, Martin and Schmidly (1982) assigned the relatively few specimens available to them from the Panhandle to Antrozous pallidus pallidus (Le Conte), with type locality at El Paso, El Paso Co., Texas, rather than to the geographically more probable race A. p. bunkeri Hibbard (type locality near Sun City, Barber Co., Kansas). I'hey restricted bunkeri to gypsum formations of Barber County, Kansas, and nearby Woods County, Oklahoma, opining that this subspecies was “a{)parently isolated from other po[)ulalions of the species by hundreds of miles of unsuitable habitat in the form of featureless [)rairie that is completely devoid of rocky prominences and canyons,” the latter presumably containing retreats utilized by these bats as roosting sites and especially as hibernacula in winter.
In the past few years, we have accpiired several significant samples of Antrozous from the Eexas Panhandle and eastward along the Red River, many more specimens than were available to Martin and Schmidly. We were struck initially with the
relatively large size of these bats. Subsequently, we have had the opportunity to compare adult specimens in our series with the holotype and other representatives of A. p. bunkeri from Kansas, and with material judged as typical oi A. p. pallidus from Trans- Pecos Texas (Brewster, Jeff Davis, and Presidio counties). In so doing, we recorded length of forearm and cranial measurements as described by Martin and Schmidly (1982), with the exception of palatal length, which we found too difficult to measure consistently, and length of dentary, in which we included incisors. Additionally, we measured breadth of braincase (greatest breadth of cranium in temporal region above the zygomatic arch). All specimens listed as examined are in The Museum, Texas Tech University, except those from Barber County, Kansas, which are housed in the Museum of Natural History at the University of Kansas. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and discriminant function analysis were performed using statistical packages on SPSS^ (SPSS, Inc., 1986) programs MANOVA and DISCRIMINANT, respectively.
In overall color and size, our material from the Texas Panhandle and adjacent regions bears a strong resemblance to A. p. bunkeri (see Table 1). Indeed, bats in a pooled sample from Collingsworth and Hardeman counties, Texas, and Harmon County, Oklahoma (see specimens examined), actually average larger than those from the type locality of bunkeri in five of 11 measurements. Specimens in the two other Panhandle samples available to us average slightly smaller than typical bunkeri, but are much larger than bats from the Trans-Pecos representing typical pallidus (Table 1).
Two-way MANOVA results indicate the presence of highly significant (P<0.001) geographic variation among our samples. Significant (P<0.05) sexual dimorphism also was indicated, but this can be accounted for at least in part by the unequal sex ratios in our samples. In any event, Martin and Schmidly (1982) did not separate sexes in their study because they found “sexual differences to be slight and, for the most part, nonsignificant.”
Discriminant function analysis was performed using the Kansas and Trans-Pecos samples as a priori groups and treating the three other samples (see Table 1 and specimens examined) as unknowns. As a result, all individuals in the Collingsworth- Hardeman- Harmon sample and those in the Briscoe sample were classified with bats from Kansas (bunkeri). Most individuals from the Deaf Smith-Oldham-Potter sample were grouped with
Table 1. Comparative measurements of specimens from five samples of Antrozous pallidus. Sample size is indicated in parentheses
following each subheading.
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bunkeri, but a few of the smaller specimens in that sample were classified with pallidus, possibly indicating intergradation between the two races in the western Canadian River Valley.
We interpret the available data as supporting assignment of specimens from the Texas Panhandle and immediately adjacent parts of north-central Texas, the Oklahoma Panhandle, extreme northeastern New Mexico, and probably southeastern Colorado to Antrozous pallidus bunkeri Hibbard, 1934. We agree with Martin and Schmidly (1982) that vast expanses of uninhabitable terrain provide potential breaks in gene flow among populations of A. pallidus. We would argue, however, that the Canadian breaks and associated rough country of north-central Texas, the gypsum caves in Collingsworth County, Texas, that extend eastward into Oklahoma, the Wichita Mountains (Morse and Glass, 1960), and finally the gypsum formations along the Kansas-Oklahoma border in Barber and Woods counties, respectively, link northeast¬ ern populations of pallid bats, particularly when it is recognized that individuals of this species disperse in summer to a variety of roosting sites, many man-made. Surely the vast expanse of the Llano Estacado (from which there are no recorded specimens south of the Red River drainage) would be of greater significance as a barrier to gene flow, the only potential contact between northern and southern populations being along the escarpment of the Llano and broken country immediately to the east thereof, and the breaks extending along the Canadian River into northeastern New Mexico.
Specimens Examined
Specimens of Antrozous pallidus bunkeri examined by ns totaled 147, as follows: — Kansas: Barber Co.\ Aetna, 2; 4.5 mi. S, 0.25 mi. E Sun City, 3; 5.5 mi. S Sun Caty, II; 7 mi. S Sun City, 4; no precise locality, 5. New Mexico: Quay Co.\ 10 mi. SE Nara Visa, 1. Oklahoma: Cimarron Co.: within 5.5 mi. SE Kenton, 6. Harmon Co.: 7.2 mi. .S, 1 mi. W Hollis, 9. Texas: Collingsworth Co.: 3 mi. N, 2 mi. E Ltitie, 1. Briscoe Co.: 6.1 mi. N, 0. 1 mi. VV Quitaque, 5; Caprock Canyons, 3 mi. N Quitacpie, 4; Los l.ingos Canyon, 2. Deaf Smith Co.: 4.8 mi. S, 4.9 mi. E Glenrio, 4. Hardeman Co.: 20.3 mi. N Goodlett, 8. Oldham Co.: Griffin Ranch, 18 mi. N, 1 mi. W Adrian, 3; 17 mi. N, 1 mi. W Adrian, 40. Potter Co.: Eain Ranch, 16 mi. N Amarillo, 39.
Specimens of Antrozous pallidus pallidus used in comparisons are as follows. — Eexas: Brewster Co.: 13.2 mi. N, 2.6 mi. E Marathon, 1; 11.5 mi. N, 2 mi. W Marathon, 1; Big Bend National Park, 2; Black Gap Wildlife Management Area, 57 mi. S Marathon, 5. Jeff Davis Co.: 10 mi. N Port Davis, 2; 6 mi. NE Fort Davis, 1; Sawtooth Mt., 8 mi. S jet. hwys. 118 and 166, 1; Harris Ranch, Davis Mts. , ca. 3 mi. E jet. hwys. 166 and 505, 1; Limpia Canyon, 3.5 mi. NE Fort Davis, 1; Fraiser Clanyon, 3. Presidio Co.: Pinto Canyon, Chinati Mts., ca. 14 mi.
E Ruidosa, 1; Piiuo Ganyon, Shely Raiuli, (diiiiaii Mts., 2; ZH C^aiiyoii, Sierra V'ieja Mts., ca. 9 mi. VV V'aleiiiine, 2.
Literature Cited
M.\rtin, C'.. O., and I). J. .ScHMiDi.Y. 1982. Taxonomic review of the pallid bat, .Viitrozous pallidus (Le Gome). Spec. Publ. Mus., Texas Tech Tiiiv., 18:1-48.
Morsk, R. G., and B. P. Cit.ASs. 1960. d'he taxonomic status of Antrozous pallidus. J. Mamm., 41:10-1.5.
SPSS, Inc. 1986. SPSS^ ILser’s Guide. McGraw-Hill Book Go., New York, 2ncl ed., xiv + 988 pp.
.Address of authors: Department of Biological Sciences and The Museum, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas 79409. Received 15 January 1988, accepted 6 February 1988.
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Three serials of The Museum of Texas Tech University are published by Texas Tech University Press. Short research studies are published as Occasional Papers, whereas longer contributions appear as Special Publications. Papers of practical application to collection management and museum operations are issued in the Museology series. All are numbered separately and published on an irregular basis.
The preferred abbreviation for citing The Museum’s Occasional Papers is Occas. Papers Mus., Texas Tech Univ.
Institutional subscriptions ($19/yr. , typically 10 numbers issued per year) are available through Texas Tech University Press, Sales Office, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas 79409-1037. Individuals can purchase separate numbers of the Occasional Papers for $2.00 each from Texas Tech University Press. Remittance in U.S. currency check, money order, or bank draft must be enclosed with request (add $1.00 per title or 200 pages of publications requested for foreign postage; residents of the state of Texas must pay sales tax on the total purchase price). Copies of the “Revised checklist of North American mammals north of Mexico, 1986’’ (Jones et al., 1986, Occas. Papers Mus., Texas Tech Univ., 107:1-22) are available at $1.25 each in orders of 10 or more.
ISSN 0149-175X
Texas Tech University Press Lubbock, Texas 79409-1037
27 MAY 1988
J. Knox Jones, Jr., Clyde Jones, and David J. Schmidly
More than a decade has passed since publication of the most recent state-wide list of mammals in Texas (Davis, 1974, reprinted 1978). All species occurring in the state also were treated in Hall’s (1981) The Mammals of North America, but formal entries in that two-volume work terminated in 1977 (although a few addenda items at the end of the second volume extend that date by several years). A number of taxonomic changes and extensions of known distribution involving mammalian taxa that occur in Texas have appeared in print since publication of the aforemen¬ tioned books. Because compilations of the sort presented here facilitate the work of many biologists, especially students, we compiled the present up-dated list. Our aim was to incorporate all appropriate published data through the end of 1987, but a few publications issued early in 1988 also are included and several previously unreported records are listed.
In addition to the works mentioned above, the publications by Schmidly (1977, 1983, 1984) on mammals of the Prans-Pecos region, those occurring in the state to the east of the Balcones Fault Zone, and a synopsis of furbearers in Texas, respectively, were used as points of departure in developing our list, as was the treatment by Dalquest and Horner (1984) of mammals in north-central Texas. Sources of additional information usually are cited in text.
In arranging taxa for presentation, we followed conventional phylogenetic sequence through genera, but species names are