Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. mm. I B R A RL ^ JKl 'A'’ ^ ff, s. Bgp«feffiss0 «f ipffidtei r -rtwwii— B wiwm: r IpS A&M Rainbow Collection 6 Pkts. of A & M Superflora in separate colors reliable SBEDS A6-M Rainbow Collection Containing six 15c packets of A&M SUPERFLORA SWEET PEAS in six exquisite colors, each separate; also one packet McQUEEN’S INOCULATOR — “Fresh -Pak” in cellophane and stamped with a blue seal for your protection. — 65c postpaid. California Wildf lower Mixture As though by magic one may transform that unsightly piece of ground into a most interesting California Wildflower Garden, by broadcasting this mixture over a prepared seed bed in the Autumn just before or during the rainy season. No irrigation will be required. The mixture contains species of true Annual California Wild- flowers and is blended so as to give a succession of blooms from early Spring to late Summer. Real estate subdividers will find this an attractive as well as inexpensive landscape beautifler for their subdivisions. A great many already have proven its worth. Five pounds of seed plants an acre. A&M CALIFORNIA WILDFLOWER MIXTURE. A fine stand- •ard mixture. Pkt. 10c; Jumbo Pkt. 20c; oz. 30c; lb. $3.00. Acgeler e^^ussER Seed Co. WE DO OUR PART General Offices, Warehouse and Mail Order Dept. P. O. Box 1228 — 652 Mateo Street Los Angeles, Calif. STORES 750 S. Spring St. Los Angeles 767 Central Ave. Los Angeles 131-135 N. Sixth St. Brawtey, Calif. 122 W. Main St. Santa Marla, Calif. 838 W. 165th St. Gardena, Calif. 32 W. Gabllan St. Salinas, Calif. I Qeneral Directions for Ordering NAME AND ADDRESS. Be sure that your name and address are written plainly. Write in the proper place on the order blank: Post Office, County, Rural Delivery, Box Number and nearest Express Office. ORDER EARLY. We endeavor to ship all or¬ ders within 24 hours after we receive them, but as the numerous bulbs listed herein are not all available at the same time we will ship each variety as soon as ready and in good season for planting. INSPECTIONS. In California and many other states all bulbs are subject to examination by Agricultural Inspectors at destination. This means that each shipment received into our warehouse is carefully inspected and all packages sent to customers by Parcel Post or Express are also ex¬ amined at destination before being released. This may cause a certain delay in final delivery but is a great safeguard to your garden. REMITTANCES. Should be made by i)ost of¬ fice money order, express money order, or bank draft, for a sufficient amount to cover the entire order and postage, if any. Do not send currency. Should it be lost there is no recourse. Stamps of three -cent denominations will be accepted for small amounts. POSTAGE. Except where otherwise stated, bulbs and seeds offered in this catalog are sent postpaid to all points in the U. S. A. FOREIGN PARCEL POST. The parcel post rate to foreign countries is 14 cents per pound. Foreign correspondents should add a sufficient amount to cover postage at this rate. ERRORS. While we exercise the utmost care in filling orders we find that occasionally errors occur, in which event we ask you to please notify us promptly and we suggest that you keep copy of your orders for comparison. PRICES. In the event of unforeseen circum¬ stances prices are subject t o change without notice. NON-WARRANTY. Note: There are so many contingencies to be encountered in growing plants from seed and in setting out plants that are de¬ pendent on the weather and other conditions over which we have no control, that success in plant¬ ing is not altogether dependent on the seed or plant. We will send out only seed which we be¬ lieve will grow and produce the kind of plant and variety represented, but: The Aggeler & Musser Seed Co. give no war¬ ranty, express or implied, as to description, qual¬ ity, productiveness, or any other matter of any seeds, bulbs, plants or trees they send out, and they will not be responsible in any way for the crop. CALIFORNIA RETAIL SALES TAX ACT — California customers please add to the total amount of your order the State Retail Sales Tax as follows: $. 00 to $ .14 — no tax; $ .15 to $ .59 — Ic; $ .60 to $1.05 — 2c; $1.06 to $1.49 — 3c; $1.50 to $1.90 — 4c; $1.91 to $2.30 — ^5c. Add Ic tax for each additional 40c amount. Out-of-state customers not required to pay retail sales tax. Page Agapanthus . 13 Allium . 13 Amaryllis . 17 Anemone . 16 Baby Gladioli . 16 Bone Meal . 18 Brodiaea . 17 Bulb Fiber . 18 Caladium . 13 Callas . 18 Calochortus . 13 Chionodoxa . 17 Chlidanthus . 13 Crocus . 17 Daffodils . 4 Dierama . 17 Dusters . 31 INDEX Page Fairy Lilies . 18 Fertilizer . 29 Flower Seeds . 19 Freesias . 11 Galanthus . 18 Gladioli . 14 Hemerocallis . 13 Hyacinths . . 6, 7 Insecticides . 30 Iris . 15 Ixias . 17 Jonquils . 4 Lawn Grass . 29 Leucojum . 18 Lilies . 12, 13 Lily-of-the- Valley . 13 Muscari . 7 Page Narcissi . i . 4, 6 Ornithogalum . 17 Oxalis . 17 Pancratium . 17 Ranunculus . 16 Scilla . -.... 7 Snowdrops . 18 Snowflakes . 18 Sparaxis . 18 Sprayers . 31 Sprekelia . 18 Tritonia . 18 Tulips . 8, 9, 10 Vegetable Seeds . 28 Watsonia . 18 Wildflowers . 2 Zephyranthes . 18 BULBS FOR SPRING PLANTING — The following bulbs are not usually available for fall planting and are not, therefore, offered in this catalog. Full particulars and prices will be found in our Gen¬ eral Catalog issued January 1; Begonia, tuberous-rooted; Cannas; Dahlias; Tuberoses; Tigridia Pavonia, the very lovely Shell Lily — no garden is complete without this. 6 AGGELER & MUSSER SEED CO - Los Angeles, California Hyacinths With their wondrous beauty and delightful fragrance Hyacinths are one of the glories of spring. They are seen at their best in borders or formal beds, and one of the most effective methods of culture is to arrange them in color schemes. They are also very charming when growing in pots or glasses. CULTURE. In climates similar to Southern Cali- foniia it is necessary to plant Hyacinths to a greater depth than they are planted in more severe climates. The reason for this is to retard the top growth, thus giving the bulb an opportunity to make a root system. In heavy soil it would be well to plant the tip of the bulb 6 to 6 inches beneath the surface, and in light soil 6 to 7 inches beneath the surface. Set the bulbs about 6 inches apart each way in the bed. About January Ist plant Nemophila seed on top of the bed and mulch with barnyard fertilizer or leaf mold. The Nemophila will provide a very attractive covering for the bed and will produce longer stemmed flowers of Hyacinths. October and November plantings of Hyacinths will give best results. For pot culture of^yacinths plant one bulb only to a 5-inch pot and bury pot and all in a shaded place in the garden, covering to a depth of 6 or 7 inches. In six weeks or two months they may be removed and brought to the light; however, leaving them longer might produce better results. Once they are brought to the light keep them near a window and give them plenty of fresh air and water. A ^ M Exhibition Hyacinths CITY OF HAARLEM. Yellow. A choice exhibition va^ riety; considered the finest of yellow Hyacinths. A splendid sort for all purposes. 25c each; $2.25 doz. DUKE OF WESTMINSTER. Deep purplish blue with a metallic reflex and a conspicuous white center. 25c each; $2.25 doz. 6EN. DE WET. Rose. This Hyacinth produces a broad spike of very fine light rose bells. A good variety. 25c each; $2.25 doz. GRAND MAITRE. Lavender. A large compact spike of deep lavender-blue. The stem is also dark and con¬ trasts pleasingly with the color of the flower. 25c each; $2.25 doz. KING OF THE BLUES. Dark blue. An extra large truss of dark blue flowers; probably one of the largest va¬ rieties of Hyacinths grown. 25c each; $2.25 doz. KING OF THE REDS. Red. A glowing scarlet red and a splendid flower. This brilliant shade is one of the most popular for bedding or pot culture. 25c each; $2.25 doz. LADY DERBY. Pink. An excellent variety not only for bedding, but for pot culture. The very large flowers are a bright rose-pink. 25c each; $2.25 doz. LA VI CTO I RE. Carmine. A glistening deep carmine- rose. The shade i& lighter when grown inside. 25c each; $2.25 doz. L'INNOCENCE. White. An excellent pure white and well suited for all purposes, either pot culture or for the garden. 25c each; $2.25 doz. QUEEN OF THE BLUES. Pale azure-blue. Very attrac¬ tive large spikes. 25c each; $2.25 doz. Collection No. 3 6B bulbs we offer you one varieties mixed and not individually wrapped for To give you an assort¬ ment of these wonderful each of the above ten named $2.00 HYACINTHS CONTINUED NEXT PAGE 7 AGGELER & MUSSER SEED Los Angeles, California — CO. A & M Garden Hyacinths Garden Hyacinths are similar In all respects to the Exhibition varieties except that the bulbs are slightly smaller. Of course the larger bulbs will produce larger flowers but very good blooms will be obtained from the smaller bulbs. Plant these by the hundred. GERTRUDE. Pink. Very fine rosy pink, with strong stem and good spike. 15c each; $1.50 doz. L’INNOCENCE. White. Pure white and a dense spike. 15c each; $1.50 doz. LA VI CTO I RE. Carmine. Bright carmine-rose. One of the best. 15c each; $1.50 doz. LORD BALFOUR. Lilac. Beautiful lilac tinged vio¬ let. Very large. 15c each; $1.50 doz. MARIE. Blue. An exquisite deep blue and one of the newer varieties. 15c each; $1.50 doz. PE RLE BRILLIANT. Blue. A very large pale blue. 15c each; $1.50 doz. YELLOW HAMMER. Yellow. A beautiful deep truss of pure yellow. An early variety. 15c each; $1.50 doz. Collection No. 3 8B M Garden Hyacinths, mixed . One each of the above seven varities of A & 80c Muscari (Grape Hyacinth) HEAVENLY BLUE. Light blue; strong grower, trusses than ordinary grape hyacinth. 60c doz. Much larger flower Scilla Peruviana Scllla Campanulata (Cuban Lily or Peruvian Hyacinth) — Large spikes of bright blue flowers 12 to 15 inches tall. 25c each. Scilla Campanulata Very attractive for beds and borders and when left undisturbed for several years multiply rapidly and bloom freely. Succeed In shady places; one of attractive early Spring flowers. Blue Queen, 60c doz. Rose Queen, 75c doz. White Queeij, 60c doz. Garden Hyacinths Dutch Roman Hyacinths Plant these for cut flowers and for naturalizing In borders. They bloom earlier than the exhibition and bedding Hyacinths and often produce several graceful spikes from a single bulb. Plant four to five inches deep and about three inches apart in the rows. They are very fragrant and may be grown in pots as well as outdoors. For pot cul¬ ture follow the directions given for exhibition Hyacinths. GRAND MAITRE. Blue. A deep porcelain blue. For years it has been one of the popular varieties. 10c each; $1.00 doz. PERLE BRILLIANT. Blue. A very large pale blue. The color is clear and the flowers are waxy. 10c each; $1.00 doz. LA VICTOIRE. Carmine. Brilliant deep carmine-rose flowers of a decided waxy appearance. Beautiful as a cut flower. 10c each; $1.00 doz. L’INNOCENCE. White. Graceful snowy white flowers, large and a good spike. 10c each; $1.00 doz. MORENO. Pink. Splendid large bells of deep pink. Undoubt¬ edly the best pink in the Romans. 10c each; $1.00 doz. YELLOW HAMMER. Yellow. This bright, clear yellow is one of the most striking colors in the Roman Hyacinths. Showy in the garden and excellent as a cut flower. 10c each; $1.00 doz. r'nllrfiof-trkti TMri QR above varieties ^OlXeCTlOn ±>10. Dutch Roman Hyacinths, mixed, 12 bulbs . 85c 8 A & M RELIABLE SEEDS and BULBS - Are Unexcelled Tulips When the Tulips unfold their magic colors in the spring, one can take a justifiable satisfaction in having been responsible for their Inclusion in the fall planting. The rich bright shades of the blooms are admired by all, and in addition to the beautiful garden display they are excellent for cutting and come at a time in the spring when they are fully appreciated. The Darwin and Breeder Tulips are both strong growing types, the only practical difference being that the Darwins are generally of the self colors while the Breeders are of buff and bronze shades. The Cottage or May-Flowering Tulips include the yellow shades and the petal tips are more or less pointed. In_ localities where the ground frosts during the winter months, the top growth of the Tulips is wisely retarded by nature, giving the bulbs an opportunity to produce a good root system. In Southern California and similar climates, deep planting will substitute for ground freezing, for by placing the bulb far enough below the surface, it is kept cool and the growth of the sprout will be retarded, thus giving the bulb sufficient time to develop an adequate root system. In preparing the soil for Tulips and Hyacinths barnyard fertilizer should not be spaded in unless it is several months in advance of planting. Bone Meal is very good and it should be placed in the soil below the bulbs at the time of planting, but it should not come in direct contact with the bulbs. The addi¬ tion of Gypsum to heavy adobe soil will prove very beneficial and will make the soil more porous and more easily cultivated. In extremely heavy soil use 100 lbs. of Gypsum to 100 sq. feet. The seed of Baby Blue Eyes or Nemophila is an excellent covering for any bulb bed. The seed should be sown on top of the bulb bed, about January 1st, covering with a light mulch of leaf mold, or decomposing barnyard fertilizer. The Nemophila will bloom at tbe same time as the Tulips and makes a very dainty ground covering. Darwin Tulips Six special outstanding varieties of brilliant colors. ALPINE SNOW. Pure white with black anthers; one of the best white varieties yet introduced. 15c each; $1.50 doz. CITY OF HAARLEM. Immense vermilion scarlet; a splendid robed aristocrat. 10c each; $1.00 doz. KATHLEEN PARLOW. Huge flower of a soft sil¬ very rose color. 15c each; $1.50 doz. KING GEORGE V. Very large flowers of a brilliant cherry red; a new color and very handsome. 10c each; $1.00 doz. THE BISHOP. Pure violet with white base. An unusually flne flower on a strong stem. 2 for 35c; $1.75 doz. PEKING. True deep yellow Darwin. Extra fine and a novelty in this class. 15c each; $1.50 doz. YELLOW GIANT. One of the best of the rare yel¬ low Darwins. A very large bright yellow flower with a black base on a tall, strong stem. 20c each; $2.00 doz. Collection No. 4 OB 1 each of the above varieties (7 bulbs) for . 3 each of the above varieties (21 bulbs) for . 85c 2.40 Datwin Tulips General List AFTERGLOW. Deep rosy orange with salmon tinted edges; inside deep orange. 10c each; $1.00 doz. MRS. POTTER PALMER. Attractive large Tulip of glowing purple color. 3 fop 25c; 90c doz. BARONNE DE LA TONNAYE. Bright r o s e, shaded blush. A beautiful, faultless flower. 3 for 25c; 90c doz. BARTIGON. Fiery red. One of the best forcing varieties. 3 for 25c; 90c doz. BLEU AIM ABLE. Soft bluish lilac; very large flower. 3 for 25c; 90c doz. CENTENAIRE. Pretty deep rose, flushed claret witha light blue center. 3 for 25c; 90c doz. CLARA BUTT. Delightful soft salmon -rose. One of the leading varieties for bedding. 3 for 25c; 90c doz. A & M RELIABLE SEEDS and BULBS Are Unexcelled - 9 FAUST. Blackish violet and an enormous flower borne on strong stems. 10c each; $1.00 doz. FARNCOMBE SANDERS. Brilliant scarlet with a clear white base. Famous as a bedding variety. 3 for 25c; 90c doz. FEU BRILLIANT. Lovely bright scarlet and one that will brighten up the tulip bed materially. 10c each; $1.00 doz. INGLESCOMBE YELLOW. Large, globular flowers of a glossy canary-yellow. A charming cup-shaped Tulip and very fine for all purposes. 3 for 25c; 90c doz. LA FIANCEE. Rosy mauve, edges light pink. Exceed¬ ingly fine. 3 for 25c; 90c doz. LATULIPE NOIRE. A very fine black Tulip with at¬ tractive velvety sheen. 3 for 25c; 90c doz. MARCONI. Beautiful purple-violet with a conspicuous white base. 10c each; $1.00 doz. MRS. KRELAGE. Rose - pink, tinted lilac. Excellent tulip of large size. 3 for 25c; 90c doz. PETRUS HONDIUS. An extra large and showy variety of bright carmine-rose. 3 for 25c; 90c doz. PRIDE OF HAARLEM. One of the best known varie¬ ties; old rose color. 3 for 25c; 90c doz. PRINCE OF NETHERLANDS. Rich deep cerise-rose with the petals margined pink and with a pale blue center. One of the finest tulips. 10c each; $1.00 doz. PRINCESS ELIZABETH. Soft lilac-rose. Good forcer. 3 for 25c; 90c doz. PROF. RAUWENHOF. Glorious bright cherry red shaded salmon, with blue and white base. 3 for 25c; 90c doz. REV. H. EWBANK. Heliotrope-lilac with a paler edge of the petals. Fine bedder. 3 for 25c; 90c doz. Collection No. 4 IB One each of the above 21 varieties Darwin Tulips, not wrapped separately or named, 21 bulbs . 1.50 A & M Special Darwin Mixed A very choice assortment with splendid range of color. 75c per doz.; $5.00 per 100. FANTASY (Parrot Tulip). A sport of Clara Butt and one of the few Parrot Tulips to have a good straight stem. A soft pink outside, and inside a deep velvety rose. Its laciniated petals and quaint form lend charm to this beautiful flower. 20c each; $2.00 doz. Tulips for Rock Gardens The following varieties are especially recommended for Rock Gardens, and they are also valuable for garden borders. CLUSIANA (The Lady Tulip). The inner petals are creamy white and the outside cherry-red with violet base. 8 inches high. 15c each; $1.25 doz. FLORENTINA. Sweet scented, citron yellow. 15c each; $1.25 doz. KAUFMANNIANA (The Water Lily Tulip). The large deep flowers are white tinted carmine with yellow center. Very early variety. 15c each; $1.25 doz. MARJOLETTI. Tall and excellent for cutting. Pale lemon yellow with the exterior of petals splashed and edged red and rose. 15c each; $1.25 doz. TULIPS CONTINUED NEXT PAGE 10 The great demand for flowers of artistic coloring Is bring¬ ing these Tulips into greater prominence each year; nature’s happiest color combinations of purple and bronze, grey and lilac, yellow and bronze, brown and orange are revealed to us in no other class of Tulips. The flowers are large, of perfect form and are borne on tall, strong stems. APRICOT. Beautiful deep bronze-orange. 2 for 25c; $1.15 doz. BRONZE QUEEN. Velvety buff with the tips tinged apricot. 3 for 30c; $1.00 doz. DOM PEDRO. Very distinct. A dull brown shaded ma¬ roon; inside mahogany. 3 for 30c; $1.00 doz. GOLDEN BRONZE. The outside of the flower is old gold, the inside a deep golden bronze. 2 for 25c; $1.15 doz. LOUIS XIV. Purple, flushed golden bronze. Very stately. 2 for 25c; $1.15 doz. LUCIFER. Gorgeous large reddish-orange. Fine large flower. 3 for 30c; $1.00 doz. MEDEA. Crushed strawberry, shaded heliotrope, yellow center. Enormous flower. 3 for 30c; $1.00 doz. AGGELER & MUSSER SEED CO. Los Angeles, California Cottage or May-Flower^ ing Tulips ALBINO. An excellent white tulip. The flower is large and beautifully formed and carried gracefully on a tall strong stem. 15c each; $1.50 doz. AVIS KENNICOTT. An unusually large flower, long in form and colored the richest chrome-yellow with base and anthers of shininig black. It has good form and substance and a long stem. 3 for 30c; $1.00 doz. DIDO. Beautiful and effective large flower. Orange red with carmine shade. 20c each; $1.75 doz. GESNERIANA MAJOR. Rich crimson-scarlet with blue- black center. Splendid for bedding. 3 for 30c; $1.00 doz. GRENADIER. A very large flower of beautiful orange color. An extra nice variety. 3 for 30c; $1.00 doz. INGLESCOMBE PINK. Delicate rose-pink tinted sal¬ mon with a striking blue-green center. 3 for 30c; $1.00 doz. MOONLIGHT. Large clear yellow with an elongated flower of distinct type. Very striking. 3 for 30c; $1.00 doz. MRS. MOON. A very deep golden yellow with long pointed petals reflexed at the tips. This is one of the most beautiful Tulips of the May-flowering class. 3 for 30c; $1.00 doz. ORANGE KING. Large globular flowers of glowing orange shaded scarlet, with yellow center and black anthers. 3 for 30c; $1.00 doz. PI COT EE. A beautiful color combination of pure white margined rose. 3 for 30c; $1.00 doz. ROSABELLA. Beautiful carmine rose with broad white edge and inside shell pink. The opening flowers re¬ semble rosebuds. Prominent at all exhibitions. 3 for 30c; $1.00 doz. SI RENE. A Lily Tulip of rich cerise-pink. The long pointed petals are reflexed at the tips. A distinct and novel variety. 3 for 30c; $1.00 doz. ®ach of the 12 varie- L^ollection iNO. May-flowering TuUps listed above, mixed; that is, bulbs not individually wrapped or named . 1.00 May-Flowering Tulips Mixed A grand mixture of many varieties including color combinations that are not listed above. 90c doz. Tulips PANORAMA (Fairy). Deep orange, shaded mahogany. Very large globular flower of brilliant color. 3 for 30c; $1.00 doz. PRINCE OF ORANGE. Terra cotta with orange edge; sweet scented. 2 for 20c; $1.10 doz. ST. JAMES. Dark rose-lilac, edged bronze, flushed cop¬ pery rose at tips, 3 for 30c; $1.00 doz. VULCAN. Strawberry-red with broad margin of buff- yellow; inside dark apricot and yellow. 2 for 25c; $1.15 doz. Collection No. 43B Tulips mixed but not wrapped individually or named for . One each of the above 11 varieties of Breeder 1.00 A & M Breeder Tulips Mixed Well balanced as to colors and will produce a pleas¬ ing color combination in large or small bed. 90c doz. AGGELER & MUSSER SEED CO Los An^reles, California 11 A 6? M Freesias We are ofCering a complete list of wonderful colored Freesias, grown In our own fields, under expert supervision. They have been developed through years of skilful selection and are indeed a splendid achievement. We feel that we cannot recommend them too highly and you will be proud to have them in your garden. Freesias may be planted from July until January. They are easily grown, blossom freely early in the spring and the bulbs will multiply and continue blooming for years. The soil should be well prepared and though they grow well in full sun they also may be planted in partial shade. All Freesias are fragrant and make good cut flowers. Plant the bulbs one to two inches apart and cover to a depth of about two inches. Instead of just a single row, place the bulbs to make a row about 3 or 4 inches wide; this will give a very nice effect. Freesias may be left in the ground from year to year, or if they are taken up it should be done after the foliage has become entirely cured or dry. AMETHYST. A beautiful amethyst-blue with light cen¬ ter. This variety is of very strong, sturdy growth. 3 for 15c; 50c per doz.; $3.50 per 100. AURORA. A large flowering variety which is much ad¬ mired, being a combination of picturesque sunset shades. 3 for 10c; 35c per doz.; $2.50 per 100. CARMENCITA. Orange-salmon with buff shadings; long wiry stems. 3 for 10c; 35c per doz.; $2.50 per 100. CORED. Bright orange-red. The flowers open wide and are very large. 3 for 15c; 50c per doz.; $3.50 per 100. GIANT BUTTERCUP. Superior large flowers of golden yellow with orange throat. 3 for 15c; 50c per doz.; $3.50 per 100. GOLDEN DAFFODIL. Magnificent. Light yellow, orange throat; early variety. 3 for 10c; 35c doz.; $2.50 per 100. GOLDEN TREASURE. Bright yellow with dark lines in throat; tall and robust. 3 for 10c; 35c doz.; $2.50 100. LILA. Large graceful flowers of light lavender with pale yellow throat. Very free flowering. 3 for 15c; 50c per doz.; $3.50 per 100. MELBA. Dark pink with golden yellow throat. Large blooms with 3 to 4 flowers open at one time. 3 for 10c; 35c per doz.; $2.50 per 100. MEN DOT A. Giant clear yellow variety of extra strong growth. One of the best yellows for keeping quali¬ ties. 3 for 10c; 35c per doz.; $2.50 per 100. MRS. MARC PETER. A very attractive deep rosy sal¬ mon shade with lower petals blotched orange and yellow. Flowers are of a good size and open up well. One of the earliest colored Freesias to bloom, and a fine cutting flower. 3 for 15c; 50c doz.; $3.50 per 100. SPLENDENS. Beautiful lavender-blue. 3 for 10c; 35c per doz.; $2.50 per 100. A & M Freesias A & M COLORED FREESIAS MIXED. A general mix¬ ture of some of the finest colored varieties, including many from our trial grounds. A long row of these will include a great assortment of colors and will not only make a very attractive garden show, but will furnish fine flowers for cutting during the early spring months. 35c per doz.; 50 for $1.35; $2.50 per 100. White Freesias A «&. M IMPROVED PURITY. Large flowers of good substance and delightfully scented. Large size bulbs, 25c per doz.; $1.75 per 100. 12 A & M RELIABLE SEEDS and BULBS Are Unexcelled Lilies Lillum Regale Lilium Regale This popular Lily may be seen growing in many gar¬ dens throughout California. The flowers inside are a canary-yellow fading to white and often suffused with pink. Outside they are white, shaded purple. They are one of the most profuse bloomers, specimen plants after they are two or three years old, bearing as many as 20 to 25 flowers. The Regal Lily, as it is often called, is particularly suited to California soil and climatic condi¬ tions. Plant 6 in. deep in heavy soil and deeper in light soil. Large Bulbs 20c each; $2.00 per doz. Medium Bulbs 15c each; $1.25 per doz. All of the Lilies listed below do well in the open ground in Southern California. They require little care and are very sat¬ isfactory as a garden flower. Except where otherwise stated plant 8 to 10 inches deep in soil blended with leaf mold and peat. If the soil Is heavy it should be mixed with sand and in any case place a little sand under and around each bulb. Avoid the use of lime. Lilies should not be disturbed after they are planted, but rather should be planted in a permanent bed. They multiply rapidly and produce a wealth of bloom. For pot culture plant the bulb in the pot a depth of about 1 inch, plunge the pot in soil several inches below the surface and leave it until growth appears. Plant in partial shade for best results and further protection from the sun is afforded by planting among low growing vegetation. Please Note — Some varieties of Lily bulbs are imported from Japan and do not arrive in this country before December. Please mail your orders early and the bulbs will be mailed as soon as available and in good sea¬ son for planting. LILIUM CANDIOUM (Madonna Lily). A sweetly scented pure waxy white Lily with yellow anthers. Will thrive in al¬ most any soil but is at its best in sandy loam. Bulbs should be planted three to four inches beneath the surface. The flrst set of leaves are strap and these wither away before the flower spike starts. Grows three to four feet high. 25c each; $2.50 per doz. LILIUM GIGANTEUM (Easter Lily). This is the large, pure white Lily that is planted mostly for Easter. Choice flowers of these may be produced in the open ground. 20c each; $2.00 doz. LILIUM PARDALINUM (Leopard Lily). This is one of the most easily grown Lilies. It will thrive in al¬ most any soil, if given partial shade and plenty of water. Grows to a height of 3 to 5 feet, bearing flowers of a rich orange color, tipped with red and dotted with maroon. Plant the bulbs about 4 inches deep and leave them year after year. They increase rapidly if they are not disturbed. 20c each; $2.00 per doz. LILIUM PHILLIPINENSE FORMOSANUM. This frag¬ rant white lily is very graceful in appearance. It has grassy foliage and exquisitely formed, long trumpet shaped flowers. 25c each; $2.50 per doz. Regal Lilies are very effective in mass plantings A & M RELIABLE SEEDS and BULBS Are Unexcelled - 13 LILI ES — Continued LILIUM AURATUM. Commonly known as the Japanese Gold Banded Lily, and undoubtedly one of the very finest. It is very graceful, being a delicate fvory-white in color and thickly studded with chocolate crimson spots with a gold band through the center of each petal. Delightfully fragrant. Extra large flowering bulbs, 20c each; $2.00 per doz. (Ready in December.) LILIUM AURATUM PLATYPH YLLU M. A glorious lily and one of the best in cultivation. The fiowers are larger than Auratum but similar in color; the leaves are also larger. Tall growing. 25c each; $2.50 per doz. (Ready in December.) LILIUM RUBRUM. A delicately perfumed white Lily suffused rose- pink in the center and spotted blood-red with a green stripe at the base. This is one of the most beautiful garden Lilies. 20c each; $2.00 per doz. (Ready in December.) LILIUM TIGRINUM SPLENDENS. This is the lovely Tiger Lily bearing handsome, orange-salmon flowers spotted black. It is a good pot or garden variety, a free bloomer, and grows very tall. 20c each; $2.00 per doz. LILIUM HANSONI. Very strong growing variety bearing many elegant blooms on each stem. The flowers are a bright golden yellow, spotted brown. 30c each; $3.00 per doz. (Ready in Dec.) LILIUM SPECIOSUM ALBUM. Beautiful snow-white flower with a golden green stripe in the center of the petals and anthers of bronze color. 20c each; $2.00 per doz. (Ready in December.) LILIUM HENRYI. Very tall growing Lily with fine foliage. When well established it bears more than twenty flowers of deep orange- yellow. Plant 10 inches deep and shelter from wind. 20c each; $2.00 per doz. (Ready in December.) Lily Collection No. 1 One bulb each of Candidum, Regale and Tigrinum for 50c. Three bulbs of each for $1.35, postpaid. Lily Collection No. 2 One bulb each of Auratum, Rubrum and Tigrinum for 50c. Three buibs of each for $1.35, postpaid. Allium Charming starlike flower appreciated by all who grow it because of its splendid keeping qualities — it will re¬ main fresh in water a week or ten days after cutting. The flowers are pure white with black centers and grow in clusters. 10 inches tall. Easy of culture. 35c per doz. Lily of the Valley Lilium Auratum Lily-of-the- Valley Plants should be grown in the shade. Pips ready in November and Decem¬ ber. $1.00 per doz. Hemerocallis (Day Lily) AURANTIACA. The beautiful orange colored flowers are very effective as a background or as a border to a shrubbery. The blooming season is quite long. 10c each; 85c per doz. Agapanthus (Blue African Lily) A very hardy and sure blooming lily, bearing clusters of bright blue flowers on stiff stems about three feet high. The leaves are long, glossy and very decorative. 20c each; $2.00 per doz. BABY BLUE EYES or Nemophila is an excellent covering for any bulb bed. The seed should be sown on lop of the bulb bed, about January 1st, covering with a light mulch of leaf mold. The Nemophila will bloom at the same time as the bulbs and makes a very dainty ground covering. CalochortUS (Mariposa Tulip) Calochortus should have a special and separate bed where nature will care for them after they have been planted. Mix a liberal amount of leaf mold with the soil in preparing it and plant them in partial shade during October. Set them to a depth of about 3 Inches and water them thoroughly. On large estates it is well to let the rains start them and only in the case of severe drought should they be watered. After the blooming season leave them in the ground and without water They are easily grown; they multiply rapidly and are one of out most attractive native California flowers. CALOCHORTUS MIXED. Contains many of the very finest varieties. 75c per doz.; $3.50 per 100. Caladium Esculentum (Elephant’s Ear) One of the most effective foliage plants for beds or borders and especially where a tropical effect is desired. Large bulbs 30c each; 3 for 75c. Chlidanthus Fragrans Allium (Miniature Amaryllis) Very attractive plant bearing clusters of sweetly fragrant yellow flowers, very similar to small Amaryllis. 10 inches high. They are especially lovely planted with blue delphiniums in a perennial border. 10c each; 90c per doz. 14 AGGELER & MUSSER SEED CO - Los Angeles, California A& M Superfine Qladioli Our Gladioli are grown on new, clean land each season thus eliminating any danger from fungus that might he carried over from year to year. As an additional safeguard the bulbs are treated in a disinfectant solution be¬ fore planting. No flowers are cut for sale from our fields. By allowing the flower and foliage to die down naturally more vitality returns to the bulb and it is superior in all respects. Gladioli should be planted about 3 inches deep in good soil, preferably in a sunny situation. One-half dozen priced at Orange Queen the one dozen rate. AIDA — striking- purple-blue with small reddish blotches on lower petals. Beau¬ tiful large flowers. 15c each, $1.50 doz. ALBATROSS — One of the finest white Gladiolus. The spikes are large with flowers of wonderful substance. No markings in throat. 25c each, $2.50 doz. ANNA EBERIUS — Purple, very popular shade. 4 for 25c, 75c doz., $5.00 per 100. AVE MARIE — A wonderful large light blue. It will open 8 to 10 florets at a time on a perfect spike. 20c each; $2.00 per doz. BETTY NUTHALL— The flowers are a vivid orange, pink and yellow and form a wonderful spike of splendid sub¬ stance. Tall and vigorous. 3 for 25c, $1.00 per doz. BYRON L. SMITH— Light lavender with cream coloring in throat. Resembles a cattleya orchid. 4 for 25c, 75c per doz., $5.00 per 100. CHARLES DICKENS— Clear bright pur¬ ple with velvety blotch on lower petal. Flowers are splendidly placed o;i sicm. Good substance. 2 for 25c, $1.;25 doz. CH ICAGO WHITE — Early compact blooms of attractive creamy white. 4 for 25c, 75c doz., $5.00 per 100. COMMANDER KOEHL — A rich deep toned scarlet. The spikes are mam¬ moth with large wide open blooms of heavy texture. 20c each, $2.00 per doz. CRIMSON GLOW — Glowing velvety crim¬ son, shaded deeper in center; tall, strong grower and flowers well idaceJ. 3 for 25c, $1.00 per doz. DR. F. E. BENNETT — Peerless flame- scarlet variety with ruby throat. Flow¬ ers of good substance. 3 for 25c, 85c per doz. EARLY SUNRISE — Deep salmon, orange throat, very large flowers. 3 for 25c, 85c per doz. GOLDEN DREAM — Deep golden yellow. One of the best clear yellow Gladiolus introduced. Very long, straight spike. 4 for 25c, 75c per doz. GOLDEN MEASURE — A large, clear, deep yellow. 3 for 25c, 85c per doz. HERADA — Large blooms of pure mauve feathered purple in the throat. An ele¬ gant variety worthy of a place in any garden. 4 for 25c, 75c per doz., $5.00 per 100. LOS ANGELES — Grenadine pink with considerable orange. Los Angeles is often referred to as the “Cut and Come Again” Gladiolus, because it produces many branches on one stalk. 4 for 25c, 75c per doz., $5.00 per 100. MARMORA — One of the finest in the smokey color class. A lovely lavender gray with slight purple marking in throat. 15c each, $1.50 per doz. MINUET — An exquisite flower of beau¬ tiful clear lavender. The spikes are of good size and florets nicely placed on straight stems. 2 for 25c, $1.50 doz. MRS. FRANCIS KING— Bright red. 4 for 25c, 75c per doz. MRS. FRANK PEN DLETON— Rose-pink with carmine blotch. Large wide open flowers and excellent for vase work. 4 for 25c, 60c per doz., $4.00 per 100. MRS. LEON DOUGLAS — Immense be¬ gonia rose flower striped with flame and brilliant scarlet. Lip pale lemon, slightly speckled with ruby. A giant among Gladioli. 4 for 25c, 75c per doz. MRS. VAN KONYNEN BURG— Matchless aniline-blue. Several flowers open at a time. Fine, healthy grower. 15c each, $1.50 per doz. ORANGE QUEEN — Exceptional variety with superb spikes of distinct glowing apricot-orange color. Very striking. 3 for 25c, $1.00 per doz. PFITZER’S TRIUMPH— One of the larg¬ est and most striking Gladioli in the garden. It is a flaming scarlet orange though usually placed in the red class. 15c each, $1.50 per doz. PRINCE OF WALES— A clear, delicate salmon pink. The finest of this color and one that we highly recommend. An early variety and very popular for cutting. 50c per doz., $2.75 per 100. PURPLE GLORY — Large ruffled flowers of velvety maroon. Very tall and showy. 10c each, $1.00 per doz. SOUVENIR — Primulinus. A striking clear bright yellow. 4 for 25c, 60c per doz., $4.00 per 100. VIRGINIA — Brilliant scarlet. A vigorous grower with erect stalks. Exceedingly attractive for cutting or will give a grand mass of color when grown in beds. 4 for 25c, 60c doz., $4.00 per 100. W. H. PHIPPS — The wonder Gladiolus. Spikes are enormous with several flow¬ ers open at the same time. Loveiy saimon-pink; lower petals faintly speck¬ led ruby. A prize winner. 4 for 25c, 75c per doz. EXTRA CHOICE MIXTURE — Grown from the best mixture of bulblets and includes many of the finest varieties. A splendid range of colors will be ob¬ tained from this fine assortment. 60c per doz., $4.00 per 100. FANCY MIXED — This mixture comprises a large number of varieties in good blooming size buibs. The wide range of colors will be a delight to the gar¬ den. 40c per doz., 75c per 25, $2.50 per 100, $22.50 per 1000. PRIMULINUS MIXED — Many of the most recent introductions are inciuded in this mixture. This type is very val¬ uable as a cut flower, the long, slender spikes lending themselves to most ar¬ tistic arrangements in vases. 50c doz., $2.75 per 100. AGGELER & MUSSER SEED CO Los Angeles, California - 15 Hardy Iria Baby Gladioli These dainty flowers are excellent for cutting or for color effect in the Spring garden. Many flowers are pro¬ duced from a single bulb. Colors are salmon, old rose, pink, red, white in mixture only. 50c per doz.; $3.50 per 100. Hardy or German Iris This class of Iris, sometimes known as "Bearded” Iris, has justly come into popular favor and is the crowning glory of the spring garden. In planting a selection of these perennials a magnificent range of color is assured, seldom obtained in other subjects. The plants should be set out in a sunny situation from June to December. It is a good plan to work a small quantity of Gypsum Into the soil, which is both beneficial to growth and a preventative of Iris rot. GAVIOTA. Creamy white, yellow edges. IRIS KING. Golden yellow standards. Falls velvety crimson. SOLEDAD. Early blooming yellow. LORELEY. Yellow with purple splashing on falls. AMBASSADEUR. Standards bronze. Falls velvety red¬ dish purple. CONQUISTADOR. One of the tallest Iris. Light violet blue; fragrant. DREAM. A lovely crinkled orchid-pink. Late. SOUV. M M E. GAUDICHAU. Dark velvety purplish blue. Tall. Fragrant. 15c each; $1.50 doz. GLOAMING. Bright russet, fine for borders, low growing. MARY GIBSON. Light bronzy rose. Tall. SAN GABRIEL. Very tall pinkish lavender. Early. Fragrant. SAN LUIS REY. Large red-violet. Beautiful form. Tall. SANTA BARBARA. Finest of pure lavender blues. Beautiful. MOONLIGHT. Creamy amber with yellow beard. 35c each; $2.50 doz. MME. DURRAND. Buff flushed lilac and amber. Tall. 50c each. FORT UN A. Amber yellow. Falls veined reddish brown. 50c each. EL CAPITAN. Huge flowers. Light violet blue. Fine. 60c each. FRIEDA MOHR. Lilac pink. One of the largest and best. 60c each. RAYO DE SOL. Clear bright yellow. Tall. 60c each. LOS ANGELES. Huge white flowers daintily edged with blue. 75c each. PURISSIMA. Splendid pure white. Fine form and substance. $1.00 each. 16 A & M RELIABLE SEEDS and BULBS - Are Unexcelled Ranunculus Plant These in Quantity for Cut Flowers or Garden Show During recent years the Ranunculus has become one of our most popular early spring blooming flowers, being used exten¬ sively for massed beds or for borders. They may be planted from September to February or March, the earlier planting, however, will produce a more sturdy growth and a greater number of flowers over a longer blooming period. Plant with the claws downward; set a few Inches apart in the row and cover to a depth of 3 to 4 inches. The general cultural directions for Ranunculus are practically the same as those for Anemones to which please refer. We have discontinued offering 2-year-old bulbs as we And they tend to deteriorate after the first year. A & M SUPERBA HYBRIDS. These wonderful hybrids are grown from a famous strain of seed recently imported into this country and many growers who are producing cut flowers have pronounced them the best that have appeared on the Los Angeles market. The flowers are unsurpassed in range of brilliant and desirable colors and they come almost 100 per cent double. Extra Large Bulbs — 65c per doz.; $5.00 per 100. Large Bulbs — 45c per doz.; $3.50 per 100. Medium Bulbs — 25c per doz.; $1.00 per 50; $1.85 per 100. Dutch Iris Anemones With their bright and varied colors Anemones make a splendid showing during the spring and should be planted extensively for best effects. They are also excellent as cut flowers and make pleasing bouquets. Plant during fall and winter in slightly raised beds on well drained land where they will not get too much water. Set the bulbs 5 to 6 Inches apart and 3 to 4 inches deep with the pointed ends downward. Keep them on the dry side at all times if possible. Finely ground bone meal applied at the rate of 3 ounces to the square yard and well mixed in the soil is a suitable and safe fertilizer. A & M GIANT SINGLE CO RON ARIA. This fine mixture of single poppy-like flowers includes a medley of colors — red, pink, blue, white, etc. Large bulbs, 45c per doz.; $3.50 per 100. Medium bulbs, 25c per doz.; $1.85 per 100. A & M ST. BRIGID. A beautiful selection from the Coronaria type containing many doubles and semi-doubles in the choicest colors. Large bulbs, 60c per doz.; $3.75 per 100. A & M Superba Hybrids Ranunculus Dutch Iris Dutch Iris are considered by ntiany to be superior to Spanish. They are earlier and larger. IMPERATOR. (Fllifolia). Late blue. 3 for 25c; 75c per doz. THERESE SCHWARTZ. Lavender and white. 10c each; 85c per doz. WHITE EXCELSIOR. Large white. 10c each; 85c per doz. YELLOW QUEEN. Early yellow. 10c each; 85c per doz. WEDGEWOOD (T i n g 1- t a n a Hybrid). Large clear wedgewood blue. Very tall and vigorous. 15c each; $1.50 per doz. BRONZE (SPANISH) — 15c each; $1.50 per doz. Anemones, Coronaria HIS EXCELLENCY. Very beautiful large single scarlet flowers on strong stems. Large bulbs, 50c per doz.; $3.75 per 100. A & M RELI^LE SEEDS and BULBS Are Unexcelled - 17 Amaryllis BELLADONNA MAJOR. This variety has luxuriant green foliage during the fall, winter and spring. During late spring the foliage dies off and in July and August the flower stalks rise from the bare ground with umbels of lovely, rose-pink lilies. The flowers are frag¬ rant and keep well. The bulbs should be planted during the fall, but do not always flower the first year if planted late. Large size, 20c each; $2.00 per doz. Small bulbs, 15c each; $1.50 per doz. VITTATI HYBRIDS. The finest of this class. The flowers have six petals of velvety texture, which curve back and open wide so that these gorgeous flow¬ ers often measure 8 to 10 Inches across. The colors vary through all shades of red, scarlet, pink and white. 45c each; 3 for $1.20. JOHNSON I . Brilliant red and very large flowers. One of the finest. 25c each; $2.50 per doz. Crocus Brodiaea BRODIAEA CAPITATA. This very attractive native Cali¬ fornia flower is often referred to as “Wild Hyacinth.” The violet-biue flowers grow in clusters on stems 2 feet tall. They are of easy culture — thriving in hot or dry places and in any good garden soil. Plant about 3 inches deep and give them the same culture as Calochortus, BOc per doz.; $3.50 per 100. BRODIAEA LAXA. A handsome, large flowering variety. There are 20 to 30 large purple flowers to an umbel. Height about 2 feet. Will thrive in either sun or shade. 75c per doz.; $5.00 per 100. Ixias These beautiful flowers grow on graceful stems 12 inches to 18 inches high and require the same culture as Preesias. They are excellent for cutting and are increasing in popu¬ larity each year. Dierama (Wedding Bells) PULCHERRIMA. Another lovely plant from South Africa and closely related to our common Sparaxis. This one grows to a height of 5 or 6 feet and produces many dainty rose-colored, bell-shaped flowers which hang from slender, gracefully arched stems. 20c each; $2.00 per doz. Chionodoxa (Glory- of -the -Snow) These are lovely early spring flowers blooming in Febru¬ ary, March and April and are generally used for borders or for pot culture. The flowers are blue with six or more to a stem. The bulbs may be left in the ground, lifting only every 3 or 4 years. Plant 3 inches deep, 4 inches apart. 3 for 15c; 50c per doz.; $3.00 per 100. Amaryllis, VIttati Hybrids One of the first flowers to bloom in early spring. Grows 3 to 4 inches high and is excellent for borders or masses. Will do well In partial shade. BARON VON BRUNOW. Dark blue. 60c per doz.; $4.50 per 100. SIR WALTER SCOTT. White, liiac stripe. 60c per doz.; $4.50 per 100. KING OF THE WHITES. 60c per doz.; $4.50 per 100. EXTRA LARGE YELLOW. 75c per doz.; $5.50 per 100. MIXED. All colors. 50c per doz.; $3.50 per 100. AFTERGLOW. Rosy carmine and apricot-orange with deep carmine center. 65c per doz. YELLOW SHADES MIXED. 50c per doz. Ornithogalum ARABICUM. Large clusters of pure white, star-shaped flowers with a jet black center and a delightful perfume. They grow to a height of about 2 feet, are very attractive and are easily grown. 10c each; 75c per doz. (Illustrated page 19.) Oxalis These attractive flowers are useful for borders, hanging boxes and window boxes. They bloom freely in partial shade and are particularly attractive for winter flowering. Plant 2 inches deep and about 6 inches apart. BOWEL Very desirable type. Flowers a brilliant rose. 35c per doz. BERMUDA BUTTERCUP. Yellow. 35c per doz. Pancratium Maritimum (Spider or Spirit Lily) This attractive plant belongs to the Amaryllis family and forms clumps which, when in bloom, are a mass of clustered heads of pure white waxy flowers. The flowers are of peculiar and interesting structure and are borne 5 or 10 to the umbel. The fragrance is unsurpassed. Extra large bulbs, 10c each, 90c per doz. Chionodoxa 18 AGGELER & MUSSER SEED CO. - Los Angeles, California White Calla Very popular for outdoor bedding in California. They should be taken up every fourth year and the bulbs separated. Dig during June, dry thoroughly and trans¬ plant. 15c each; $1.65 per doz. Yellow Calla One of the most attractive flowers grown, suitable for outdoor bedding or for pot culture. The blossom is iarge and a deep golden yellow. The leaves are spotted white. Small bulbs, 15c each; $1.65 per doz. Large bulbs, 25c each; $2.50 per doz. ^ New Pink Calla These desirable plants grow to a height of about 18 Inches, the flowers being miniature callas, 1% inches to 2 Inches across, of an attractive rose-pink shade. They are grown very successfully out-of-doors in Southern California or they may be grown in pots for house decoration. 75c each; 3 for $1.60. Black Calla A most remarkable and rare plant having flowers shaped like the ordinary Calla but is a crimson-maroon color so dark that it appears to be black. The plant grows to a height of about 3 feet and the foliage is very decorative. 50c each; 3 for $1.15. onowrlakes (Leucojum Vernum) Pretty little white bells with a bright dot of green, hanging gracefully on stems eight to ten inches long make these little early spring flowers a delight to all. Plant the bulbs 3 inches deep and give the same culture as Narcissi. 85c per doz.; $5.00 per 100. Snowdrops (Galanthus) Dainty little pendulous flowers which bloom early In the spring. The bell-shaped flower is white tipped with green. They prefer a cool, moist situation. 3 for 20c; 60c per doz.; $4.50 per 100. Sparaxis A small bulbous plant bearing flowers very similar to the Ixias. The flowers are slightly larger and there is a great range of colors, making them very attractive as bedding plants. Plant them about 2% inches deep and 2 or 3 Inches apart. 50c per doz.; $3.50 per 100. Yellow Callas Watsonia A clump of Watsonia in a partially shaded nook will add an artistic touch to the garden and will furnish beautiful spik^ for cutting. However, like Gladioli to which they are closely allied, they prefer full sun. The bulbs of these are ready for planting in August and the sooner they are planted this the better will be the results. Bulbs that are kept out of the ground more than three months begin to deteri¬ orate, therefore, we do not offer them after November 15th. Rant them about 3 or 4 inches apart and cover to a depth of about 2% or 3 Inches. Sprekelia FORMOSISSIMA (Jacobean Lily). Brilliant flowers of bright crimson with narrow spreading petals. Closely allied to the Amaryllis. 20c each; $2.00 per doz. Tritonia MIXED. Very showy flowers in shades of pink and salmon. Grows about 1 foot tall and the culture is much the same as for Freesias. Will be widely planted when better known. 50c per doz. Zephyranthes (Fairy Lily) CANDIDA. Beautiful white flowers and attractive foliage, making it a very desirable plant for borders and beds. Height about 1 foot. Long blooming season. Bulbs mul¬ tiply rapidly. 50c per doz.; 100 for $4.00. ROSEA. A beautiful variety with rose-colored flowers. 75c per doz.; 100 for $5.50. New and Lovely Watsonias BRIGHTON. Lovely large wide open flowers of purple rose or dark mauve. 4 feet. MARGINATA. Ehcceptionally long spikes of dainty lavender pink. Unlike any other variety of Watsonia and very rare. 6-7 feet. MELBOURNE. Salmon pink flowers of medium size well placed on the stems. 4 feet. VICTORIA. Very large, cerise rose and salmon. Beautiful flower. 5 feet. Price, each of the above, 25c each; $2.50 per doz. Choice Watsonias CLEMENTINA. Salmon-rose. ED. D. STURTEVANT. Vivid orange scarlet. FANNIE LYON. Delightful apricot buff. J. J. DEAN. Deep rose-pink. GIANT_WHITE (Ardernii). Pure white. Price, each of the above, 10c each; $1.00 per doz. MIXED. A splendid mixture of best shades. 65c per doz. Ornlthogalum — see page 17 Water Lilies See page 76 of our General Catalog for complete list of Water Lilies and aquatic plants for present planting. Bulb Fiber ^Bulb Fiber is excellent for use in pot culture of Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcissi, Chinese Lilies, etc. Our Bulb Fiber Is especially prepared; it requires no drain¬ age and may be used in all kinds of bowls and jardinieres. Quantity sufficient for 6- or 8-Inch bowl, 15c; larger quantity, 25c per lb. Bone Meal A suitable and safe fertilizer for all bulbs. 1 lb., 10c; 5 lbs., 35c; 25-lb. bag, $1.00; 100 lb. bag, $2.50. Postage or freight extra. Depth to Plant Bulbs Inches Agapanthus . 4-6 Allium . 1 Amaryllis . 2-4 Anemones . 3-4 Crocus . 2-4 Daffodils . 5 Inches Freesias . 2 Gladioli . 3 Hyacinths . 6-7 Lilies . 8-10 Llly-of-the-Valley . . 2-3 Inches Ornlthogalum . 3-;4 Ranunculus . 3-4 Snowdrops . 2 Tulips . 6-7 Watsonias . 8 AGGELER & MUSSER SEED CO. Los Angeles, California - 19 New Introductions for Autumn 1934 Rust-Proof Snapdragons {Rust- Proof Antirrhinums) For several years past, Snapdragon growers everywhere have found it increasingly difficult to grow that popular flower suc¬ cessfully owing to infestations of Snapdragon Rust. This year we take pleasure in introducing a new strain of Snapdragon seeds which will produce plants at least 75% Rust-Proof. These plants, with their healthy, glistening foliage, bear beau¬ tiful spikes of large flowers similar to, but exceeding in beauty, the well-known Majus Grandiflora type. SEPARATE COLORS Bronze Shades White Pearl Shasta White Crimson Pink Shades Yellow 35c per Packet, 3 for $1.00 MIXTURE This mixture contains a wonderful range of popular colors. Per Packet 25c New Rust-Proof Snapdragon New Double Nasturtiums Scarlet Gleam More dazzling in color than the famous Colden Cleam, the new DOUBLE SCARLET GLEAM has been acclaimed the outstanding introduction of the year. The fiery orange scarlet flowers are fully double, very large and sweet scented. The stems are long, making it a valuable flower for cutting. Per packet — 25c; % oz. $1.25; oz. $2.00; oz. $3.75. Gleam Hybrids These hybrids are uniformly double, large and delightfully fragrant. The color range includes gorgeous shades of salmon, golden yellow, orange -“scarlet, cerise, cream, maroon and many others. Per packet — 25c; % oz. 85c; V2 oz- $1-40; oz. $2.50. 20 A & M RELIABLE SEEDS and BULBS - Are Unexcelled Flower Seeds for Fall Planting The various Flower Seeds here listed are especially recommended for planting in the fall in California and similar climates. By sowing in August and September many varieties come into bloom in early spring when the outlook is usually bare. The seeds in A & M Packets are the finest that can be procured and are always fresh. Antirrhinum (Snapdragon) If grown in the fall it will be one of the earliest spring flowers. Splen¬ did for cutting. A & M California Snapdragons are the finest strain ob¬ tainable. Rust- Proof Strains — see page 19. Tall Maximum The newest creation in Giant Snap¬ dragons. Height 4 feet. APPLE BLOSSOM. Rosy pink, yellow lip. Pkt. 20c. CANARY BIRD. Pkt. 20c. COPPER KING. Pkt. 20c. OLD GOLD. Pkt. 20c. PURPLE KING. Pkt. 20c. RUBY. Pkt. 20c. SNOWFLAKE. Pkt. 20c. THE ROSE. Pkt. 20c. FINEST MIXED. Pkt. 15c; w in the fall or early spring. EXTRA CHOICE MIXED. Pkt. 35c. Daisy, Shasta Perennial. The seed of this popular flower should be sown in fall to pro¬ duce flowers in the following summer. ALASKA. Pkt. 10c. GIANT DOUBLE. Pkt. 25c. Cheiranthus Allion Canterbury Bells — Single Calendula (Pot Marigold) Hardy annual. One of the very best winter flowers. Of easy culture. RADIO. A distinct and new form of Calendula. The petals are quilled and of a brilliant orange color; very striking. Pkt. 20c. CAMPFIRE. Beautiful orange with scarlet .sheen. Pkt. 20c. CHRYSANTHA. Pkt. 15c. BALL’S ORANGE. Glowing orange. Pkt. 15c. BALL’S GOLD. Pkt. 15c. BALL’S SUPREME. Light orange with dark center. Pkt. 15c. ORANGE KING. Pkt. 10c; oz. 40c. LEMON QUEEN. Pkt. 10c; oz. 40c. CHOICE MIXED. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c. Candytuft Hardy annual. Twelve to eighteen Inches high. Rapid grower. Flowers borne in umbels. Useful for cut flow¬ ers and bedding. Mass in solid colors for best effect. UMBELLATA. Crimson, pink, laven¬ der, rose or flesh. Each, pkt. 10c. UMBELLATA. Mixed. Pkt. 10c; oz. 30c. WHITE HYACINTH - FLOWERED. Pkt 10c; 1/2 oz. 45c. Perennial Candytuft (Iberis) GIBRALTARICA. Flowers lilac; val- ual)le for rock gardens and borders. Height 6 inches. Pkt. 10c. Catananche COERULEA. Pretty deep blue peren¬ nial, growing 2-3 feet high. Very useful for cutting. Pkt. 10c. 22 AGGELER & MUSSER SEED CO. Los Angeles, California Delphinium (Perennial Larkspur) One of the most popular border plants for spring and summer bloom¬ ing, the riot of the varied blue tints being strikingly effective. Sow in flats from August to November and trans¬ plant when large enough. For best methods of sowing, see formula, p. 27. A & M SUNBEAM HYBRIDS. Won¬ derful color combination. Height 3 to 5 feet. Pkt. 25c. WREXHAM HOLLYHOCK STRAIN. Flowers long and tapering. Pkt. 20c. BELLADONNA. Turquoise blue. Height 3 to 5 ft. Pkt. 15c; i/s oz. 35c. BELLAMOSA. Dark blue. Height 3 to 6 feet. Pkt. 15c; '/s oz. 35c. GOLD MEDAL HYBRIDS. Mixed. Height 3 to 6 ft. Pkt. 15c; i/a oz. 35c. CHINENSIS. B^ne mixed. Pkt. 10c; Ya oz. 30c. DELPHINIUM C.ARDINALE. Scarlet. Pkt. 15c; Ys 0^. 50c. Digitalis (Foxglove) Hardy biennial. Seed must be sown in fall for spring blooming. Will grow in shady locations. Grows 3-6 fL high. GLOXINIAEFLORA MIXED. Pkt. 10c. GIANT SHIRLEY. Mixed. Pkt. 15c. Dianthus or Pinks These spicy little flowers are easy to grow. CHINENSIS. Double mixed. Pkt. 10c. PLUMARIUS. Double mixed. Peren¬ nial grass pink. Pkt. 10c. PLUMARIUS. Single mixed. Peren¬ nial grass pink. Pkt. 10c. DELTOIDES. For rock gardens. Scar¬ let. Pkt. 15c. CAESIUS. For rock gardens. Rose. Pkt. 15c. ROCK GARDEN MIXTURE. Pkt. 25c. Dimorphotheca (African Daisy) A showy annual from South Africa which has become a great favorite on account of Its easy culture and beau¬ tiful orange colored flowers. AURANTIACA. Bright orange. Pkt. 10c; Ya oz. 60c. HYBRIDS. Shades of yellow and orange. Pkt. 10c; Yx oz. 50c. SALMON BEAUTY. Pkt. 15c. ECKLONIS. Perennial. Large white flowers with blue disk. Height 1% feet. Pkt. 15c. Eschscholtzia Or California Poppy Hardy annual. Seed may be sown from October until April. Fall sown seed will bring large early flowers. Plant more California Poppies. Fluted and Ruffled Varieties RAMONA HYBRIDS MIXED. Glit¬ tering coppery gold with pink shad¬ ings. Pkt. 25c. ORANGE FLAME. Vivid orange-scar¬ let. Pkt. 15c; Ya oz. 60c. DAINTY QUEEN (New). Coral pink with cream background. Pkt. 15c; Ya oz. 50c. DAZZLER (New). Vivid scarlet. Pkt. 15c; Ya oz. 60c. FI REFLAME (New). Orange scarlet; erect plants. Pkt. 15c; Ya oz. 50c. LOVELY. Rose-pink suffused salmon. Pkt. 15c; Ya oz. 50c. SALMON BEAUTY. Beautiful and distinct color. Pkt. 15c; Ya oz. 60c. SCARLET BEAUTY. Deep scarlet. Pkt. 15c; Ya oz. 50c. EXTRA CHOICE MIXED. Contains all new colors. Pkt. 15c; oz. 90c. Collection of Above Eight Named Varieties, for $1.00 Standard Varieties ORANGE ( Aurantiaca). Pkt. 10c; oz. 30c; lb. $3.00. CHROME QUEEN. Pkt. 10c. GOLDEN WEST. Pkt. 10c. MIXED. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; lb. $2.50. Double Varieties This strain of California Poppy is distinct and lovely in every way. The flowers resemble small roses. DOUBLE SALMON BEAUTY (New). Pkt. 20c. DOUBLE ORANGE. Pkt. 15c. DOUBLE ROSE. Pkt. 15c. Forget-Me-Not (Myosotls) Hardy perennial. Seed must be sown in fall for spring blooming. Does best in shady location. ALPESTRIS. Light blue. Height 1 fooL Pkt. 10c; Yx oz. 35c. BLUE BIRD. Deep blue; winter flow¬ ering. Pkt. 20c. Gypsophila Small white or pink flowers borne in sprays. Universally used as filler in bouquets. Annual. ELEGANS WHITE. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c. ELEGANS CARMINE. Pkt. 10c. ELEGANS CRIMSON. Pkt. 10c. ELEGANS ROSE. Pkt. 10c. PANICULATA. Perennial. White. Pkt. 10c. DOUBLE SNOW WHITE. Perennial. Pkt. 25c. Geum A beautiful hardy perennial produc¬ ing flowers in profusion from spring till fall. It is an excellent cut flower, having long stems and keeping well. MRS. BRADSHAW'S DOUBLE RED. Large bright orange-scarlet double LADY STRATH EDEN. Large striking double yellow flowers. Pkt. 15c. PRINCE OF ORANGE. Pkt. 50c. Gaillardia A plant everyone should have in their gardens. Splendid for cutting. Fall sown seed will start blooming early and continue till late fall. Flow¬ ers large, brown and yellow in vary¬ ing shades. Perennial Varieties PORTOLA. Mammoth flowers. Pkt. 20c. THE DAZZLER. Pkt. 20c. TANGERINE. Pkt. 15c. GRANDIFLORA. Single mixed. Pkt. 10c; Yz oz. 25c. Gilia CAPITATA. Graceful annual, height about 2 feet. P'lowers are a rich lav¬ ender-blue. Sow seeds in fall where plants are to remain. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c. TRICOLOR (Birds Eyes). Lavender, purple spotted, and yellow center. Height 1 foot. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c. Godetia Hardy annual. Sow late in fall for spring blooming. Very beautiful col¬ ors. Thrives in shady locations. DWARF SINGLE. Mixed. Height 1 foot. Pkt. 10c. AZALEA FLORA. Dwarf double va¬ riety suitable for pots. Pkt. 15c. DUKE OF YORK. Rich scarlet flow¬ ers. Pkt. 15c. SYBIL SHERWOOD. Salmon e d g e d white. Pkt. 25c. TALL DOUBLE CARMINEA. Pk. 10c. TALL DOUBLE ROSEA. Pkt. 10c. TALL DOUBLE LAVENDER. Pkt. 10c. TALL DOUBLE CRIMSON. Pkt. 10c. TALL DOUBLE MIXED. Height 2 ft. Pkt. 10c; Yz oz. 25c. Heuchera (Coralbells)) SANGUINEA. Hardy perennial. 1V4 feet high. Crimson-scarlet flowers. Pkt. 15c. A & M Hollyhocks A hardy perennial of upright, stately growth, 5 to 8 feet high, unequalled for 'a background or covering ugly places. The seed may be sown in the fall and will bloom following spring. Double Rose, Double Maroon, Double Scarlet, Double Apple Blossom, Double Salmon Rose, Double Newport Pink, Double Yellow, Double White — Pkt. 10c; Ya oz. 60c. Double Mixed — Pkt. 10c; Ya oz. 45c. Collection No. 20- F — One packet each of any six named varieties, 60c. DOUBLE ORANGE PRINCE (New). Distinct new shade in Hollyhocks — a rich apricot orange. Pkt. 15c. IMPERATOR. Very large fringed flowers 6 in. across; double rosette in center resembling a crested be¬ gonia. Colors ranging through deli¬ cate pink to cerise salmon. Pkt. 15c. PERENNIAL SINGLE Mixed. Pk. 10c. Eschscholtzia, Ramona AGGELER & MUSSER SEED CO Los Angeles, California 23 Larkspur, La France Larkspur This popular annual may be planted throughout the fall and will bloom 3 to 4 months after sowing. Outstanding Varieties BLUE BELL. Pkt. 25c. CARMINE KING (New). Rich car¬ mine. Pkt. 20c. MISS CALIFORNIA. Rich pink on salmon ground. Pkt. 15c. LOS ANGELES. Rose. Pkt. 20c. LA FRANCE. Light salmon. Pkt. 15c. BLUE SPIRE. Deep blue. Pkt. 15c. LILAC SPIRE. Base branching type. Pkt. 20c. ROSAMOND. Pkt. 25c. WHITE SPIRE. Pure white. Pkt. 20c. DE LUXE MIXED. A mixture of the newest varieties. Pkt. 15c; 14 oz. 35c. COLLECTION 23F. One pkt. each of the above seven varieties, 85c. Standard Varieties LUSTROUS CARMINE. Pkt. 10c. DARK BLUE. Pkt. 10c. AGERATUM BLUE. Pkt. 10c. LILAC. Pkt. 10c. WHITE. Pkt. 10c. A & M MIXED. Pkt. 10c; '/4 oz. 25c. COLLECTION 22F. One pkt. each of the above 7 named varieties for 60c. Matricaria (Feverfew)) DOUBLE WHITE (Capensis). A per¬ ennial bearing small, double white flowers. Good for cutting. An old- fashioned garden flower. Pkt. 10c. GOLDEN BALL. A compact dwarf plant, used for borders. The flowers are a double yellow and bloom freely. Pkt. 10c. Mignonette Annual. An old garden favorite which has been much improved. Giant .spikes of fragrant flowers, produced freely on large plants, make this flower even more desirable than here- 1 ofore. A & M COLOSSAL. Giant cream. Pkt. 15c. NEW YORK MARKET. Extra long spikes. Pkt, 15c. GOLIATH RED. Pkt. 10c, ODORATA MIXED. Sweet. Pkt. 10c; oz. 30c. Nasturtium Annual. If sown early in fall will bloom until heavy frost. DWARF MIXED. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c, TALL MIXED. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c. GOLDEN GLEAM. Double sweet scented. Pkt. 25c. GLEAM HYBRIDS. Scarlet gleam. See Page 19. Nemesia Hardy annual. Sl)lendid fall, winter and spring blooming plants. Many wonderful and beautiful color combi¬ nations. A quick grower. Splendid bed¬ ding flower. STRUMOSA SUTTONI. Mixed colors. Pkt. 25c. COM PACTA TYPES— 8-12 Inches Aurora. Carmine, white lip. Pkt. 25c. Blue Gem. Forget-me-not blue. Pkt. 25c. Fire King. Bright scarlet. Pkt, 25c. Nana Compacta Triumph Mixed. Pkt. 25c. Nemophila Hardy annual. Height 6 inches. Earliest native wild flower. Splendid for sowing in bulb beds. IN SIGN IS (Baby Blue Eyes). Sky blue. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c. MIXED COLORS, Pkt, lOc; oz. 25c. Gerbera (Transvaal Daisy) Large daisy-like flowers, with colors ranging through crimson, rose, pink, lilac, yellow and white. Under suit¬ able conditions seed will germinate easily. See page 27 for best method of sowing. Pkt. 20c. Hunnemannia (Mexican Tulip Poppy) Tender perennial. The best cutting poppy. Long flower¬ ing season. Bright lemon-yellow cup-shaped flower. Will bloom early in spring if sown in fall. Pkt. 15c. SUNLITE. Pkt. 25c. Layia ELEGANS “Tidy-Tips." Annual California native. A pretty yellow daisy edged cream. Ht. 1-2 feet. Pkt. 10c. Linum SCARLET FLAX. Hardy annual; beautiful little flower. Height fL Splendid for bedding. Pkt. 10c; oz. 40c. BLUE FLAX. Perennial. Light blue flowers. Pkt. 10c. Lupine California native flowers. A great favorite. Should be planted in fall for early flowers. DARK BLUE. Annual. Pkt. 10c; oz. 30c. SKY BLUE. Annual. Pkt. 10c; oz. 30c. MIXED. Annual. Pkt. 10c; oz. 30c. HARTWEGI GIANTS MIXED (New). Pkt. 25c. PERENNIAL. Mixed. Pkt. 15c; Vz oz. 45c. Marigold (French) Hardy annual. One of the best fall and winter flowers. Tall French TALL FRENCH MIXED. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c ROYAL SCOT. Pkt. 20c. Dwarf French GOLDEN BALL. Double golden yellow flowers. One of the finest border plants. Pkt. 10c; Vn oz. 25c. LEGION OF HONOR. Brown and gold. Pkt. 10c; !4 oz. 25c. DOUBLE DARK BROWN. Pkt. 10c; 1/4 oz. 25c. ELECTRIC LIGHT. Double form of Legion of Honor. Pkt. 10c; 'A oz. 25c. DWARF FRENCH MIXED. Pkt. 10c; oz. 45c. Gerbera, A & M Hybrids 24 A & M RELIABLE SEEDS and BULBS Are Unexcelled A 6? M Pansies Pansies thrive best in a moist sunny location and In rich, loamy soil. Seed should be sown in the autumn for early spring blossoms, or can be sown early in the year for good flowers later In the spring. The plants must be transplanted twice in order to get the largest flowers; once from the seed box to a chosen bed, and again to the open garden. This is Important for large size pansies; use manure liberally. The blossoms are usually larger in the spring and again in the fall, and while they bloom freely all summer, the blossoms are small during the hot months. It is much more Interesting, satisfactory and inexpensive to grow your own pansies from seed. By so doing you may select and carry out your individual color scheme; you may also select your own types and take advantage of some of the finest varieties of plants of which are not offered for sale. A & M Super Maximum A lovely and distinct strain bearing extra large flowers with long stems that hold them well above the foliage. We introduced this pansy particularly for those who want an ex¬ traordinary strain, and we are pleased to recommend them highly. Letters from many friends indicate they are very satisfactory, and our own trials are greatly admired by all who see them. Pkt. 35c; 3 pks. $1.00. A & M ENGLISH GIANT MIXTURE. Interesting changes frequently occur in Pansy styles and this one is excep¬ tionally beautiful. The flowers are very large and come in fascinatiing bright color combinations. The character¬ istic pansy face predominates as well as the blotchy type and all have long stems. Pkt. 35c. Swiss Giants To be sure of the best Swiss Giant Pansies, you should plant the seed and grow your own plants. Mix one-third sand to two-thirds peat moss; add a little sulphur to this and sow the seed. After the seeds have sprouted, keep them slightly moist, but not too wet. ALPENGLOW. Cardinal shades. Pkt. 35c. LAKE OF THUN. Swiss blue. Pkt. 35c. SWISS YELLOW. Golden. Pkt. 25c. SWISS GIANTS MIXED. Pkt. 25c, 'A oz. $1.75. A & M Mastodon Pansies A very popular, beautiful strain of Pansies. They bloom two to four weeks earlier than most strains, produce very large, showy flowers and are exceptionally fine for beds, borders and window or porch boxes. ADONIS. Lovely sky-blue. Pkt. 20c. j BRONZE MASTODON. Very large, with all the different j shades from burnished brass to gold, with no two flowers exactly alike. Pkt. 20c. IMPROVED BEACONSFIELD. Bluish purple with lavender tinge on upper petals. Pkt. 20c. MADAME STEELE. Elks’ purple, of fine form and enormous size. Pkt. 20c. PANAMA PACIFIC. A huge deep yellow, some have the dark center, some without. A beautiful bedding color. Pkt. 20c. PARISIAN YELLOW. Beautiful pure yellow. Pkt. 20c. ROSE SHADES. Rose with white border. Pkt. 20c. WHITE MASTODON. Snow-white with a large center, very large and beau¬ tiful. Pkt. 20c. MASTODON MIXED. A wonderful collection of rich, velvety shades, in great variety with fine, long stems. Pkt. 15c; Ya oz. $1.25. Pansy, Super Maximum A & M Giant French Pansies Where masses of distinct colors are desired A & M Giant Pansies will prove of great value. AURORA. Pure white. Pkt. lOc. AZURE BLUE. Pale blue. Pkt. 10c. EROS. Velvety brown with yellow margin. Pkt. 10c. GOLDEN QUEEN. Pleasing golden center. Pkt. 10c. KING OF THE BLACKS. Velvety black. Pkt. 10c. LORD BEACONSFIELD. Purple - violet. Pkt. 10c. MADAME PERRET. The lower petals are pale with rich rose color mark¬ ings. Pkt. 10c. PRINCE HENRY. Darkest blue, very large beautiful flower. Pkt. 10c. RUBY RED. Very large blooms In striking red shades. Pkt. 10c. Collection of the Above Nine Varieties for 75c. A & M GIANT FRENCH MIXED. A very showy mixture of vigorous compact growth. Fine bedding strain. Pkt. 10c; Va oz. 75c. Painted Daisy (Annual Chrysanthemum) Hardy annuals. Pine fall, winter and early spring bloomer. Very decorative, easy to grow. Especially recommended. Special Collection of One Packet Each of Seven Colors, 60c. SINGLE MIXED. Pkt. 10c; oz. 50c. Phacelia CAMPANULARIA. Very showy annual; gentian blue bell¬ shaped flowers. Makes charming pot plant; is effective for edging; 8 inches. Pkt. 15c. TANACETI FOLIA. Grows to a height of about 18 in., pro¬ ducing large compact heads of pale mauve flowers. Pkt. 10c. Physostegia SPECIOSA (False Dragonhead). Hardy perennial. 4 to 5 feet. Pink shades. Pkt. 25c. Pentstemon Hardy perennial. Large spikes of beautiful gloxinia¬ shaped flowers. Seed sown In the fall will commence bloom¬ ing early in spring and continues most of the year. GLOXINIOIDES. SENSATION. Lg. flowered; mixed. Pkt. 15c. MINIATURE HYBRIDS MIXED. A range of beautiful col¬ ors; particularly fine for cutting. Pkt. 15c. Polemonium COERULEUM (Jacob’s Ladder). Bell-shaped blue flower. Perennial. 2 feet. Pkt. 10c. A & M RELIABLE SEEDS and BULBS Are Unexcelled - 25 A & M Poppies The different varieties of Poppies are always favorites for outdoor display and the cultivation of them being so ex¬ tremely simple entitles them to a place In every garden. Seed should be sown where the plants are intended to flower, because it is difficult to transplant them with any measure of success. Single Annual Shirley A «S. M SHIRLEY MIXED. Pkt. 10c; oz. 30c. FLANDERS POPPY. Pkt. 10c; <4 oz. 25c. TULIP POPPY. Pkt. 10c; !4 oz. 25c. Double Annual Poppies A&M GIANT EBELLE SALMON (New). Pkt. 15c; !4 oz. 35c. A«S. M GIANT EBELLE WHITE (New). Pkt. 15c; '/4 oz. 35c. ELDORADO DOUBLE SHIRLEY. Mixed. Pkt. 10c. CARNATION FLOWERED DOUBLE. Mixed. Pkt. 10c. Perennial Poppies ORIENTAL HYBRIDS. Mixed. Pkt. 15c. ICELAND SINGLE. Mixed. Pkt. 10c. ICELAND DOUBLE. Mixed. Pkt. 25c. SANDFORD'S GIANTS MIXED. Pkt. 25c. EL MONTE. Tangerine orange. Pkt. 25c. Primula Primulas are easily grown from seed and make splendid pot plants. Also wonderful for mass effects in shady places. CHINESE FRINGED. Mixed. Pkt. 25c. OBCONICA GRANDIFLORA. Mixed. Pkt. 25c. MALACOIDES. “Baby Primrose.” Pkt. 20c. VERIS, POLYANTHUS. Mixed. Pkt. 20c. AURICULA. Fine Mixed. Pkt. 20c. VULGARIS. Yellow English primrose. Pkt. 20c. Single Shirley Poppy Pyrethrum Hardy perennials which are easily grown and make handsome plants. Valuable as cut flowers. Height 2 feet. HYBRIDUM ROSEUM. Single mixed. Pkt. 10c. HYBRIDUM ROSEUM. Double mixed. Pkt. 25c. GOLDEN ’ FEATHER. For edgings. Height 9 inches. Pkt. 10c. Ranunculus GIANT FRENCH MIXED. This very popular flower may be grown readily from seed though home gardeners have usually grown them from bulbs, ^ed should be sown in good sandy loam, covered lightly with sand and kept moist. May be planted from early fall and late spring and will flower the first season from seed. Our mixture is a very fine semi¬ double strain and contains a splendid range of colors. Pkt. 25c. Rhodanthe MACULATA ROSEA. One of the most attractive everlasting flowers; they hang like little bells on stems and make a pleasing and dainty cut flower, either fresh or dried. Pkt. 10c. Schizanthus (Orchid Flower) A dainty annual. The plant is a bouquet by Itself. GRANDIFLORA MIXED. Pkt. 25c. WISETONENSIS EXCELSIOR. Height 1 foot. Pkt. 25c. Statice SINUATA. Everlasting. Fine for cut¬ ting. May be dried as permanent bouquets. Keep seed moist until germinated. Bright Yellow, White, Blue, Rose and Mixed. Each, Pkt. 10c. LATIFOLIA. Produces large spikes of very small, lavender flowers. Used in bouquets as a filler. Perennial and everlasting. Pkt. 10c. CASPIA. Flowers are similar to Sta¬ tice latifolia, but a little larger. Pkt. 10c. PEREZII. A very fine specimen plant, often grown in shrubberies. Flowers are blue and attain a height of 2 feet. Hardy perennial. Pkt. 10c. Scabiosa (Mourning Bride) Annual Varieties A garden favorite of easy culture, blooming in about four months from planting. Height 3 to 4 feet. GIANT LOVELlNESS(New). Soft salmon shades. Pkt. 15c. SHASTA. Giant improved white. Pkt. 10c. PEACH BLOSSOM. Giant pink. Pkt. 10c. AGERATUM. Blue. Pkt. 10c. AZURE FAIRY. Lavender-pink. Pkt. 10c. BLACK PRINCE. Deep red. Pkt. 10c. FIERY SCARLET. Pkt. 10c. FLESH PINK. Pkt. 10c. ROSE. Pkt. 10c. YELLOW. Light yellow. Pkt. 10c. MIXED. Pkt. 10c; !/4 oz. 25c. Perennial Varieties Highly decorative and invaluable for cutting. ISAAC HOUSE HYBRIDS. Lilac and mauve shades, ruf¬ fled petals. Pkt. 20c. COLUMBARIA PINK. Pkt. 15c. COLUMBARIA LAVENDER. Pkt. 15c. CAUCASICA. Soft heliotrope. Pkt. 15c. Sweet William A hardy perennial, grows 1 to 2 feet high. Very good for cutting or bedding. PINK BEAUTY. Pkt. 10c. SCARLET BEAUTY. Pkt. 10c. SINGLE MIXED. Very attractive. Pkt. 10c. DOUBLE MIXED. Pkt. 10c; 'A oz. 35c. ANNUAL SINGLE MIXED. A fine mixture blooming the first year from seed. Pkt. 10c; '/i oz. 50c. Sweet Wivelsfield Remarkable new Dianthus hybrid. Produces a great variety of color over a long blooming season. Pkt. 20c. 26 AGGELER & MUSSER SEED CO - Los Angeles, California California Qrown Sweet Peas Ask for Sweet Pea Culture Bulletin No. 11 A & M SUPEE.FL01RA SWEET PEAS are noted for the extraordinary substance of the blooms and on this acctr^nt are preferred above all others by the large commercial growers of cut flowers. They are EARLY FLOWERING and come Into bloom at least one month earlier than the Late or Standard Spencer. For this reason they are particularly suitable for sowing in August and September for early fall and Christmas blooming. However, the planting season In California extends from August 1st until January with a resultant wealth of bloom throughout the spring and early summer. FOR BEST RESULTS INOCULATE SWEET PEA SEED BE- FORE SOWING WITH McQUEEN’S INOCULATOR. Pkt. 15c. A & M Superflora Sweet Peas Three Outstanding Introductions ROSITA. A splendid new introduction possessing many good qualities. Color glowing deep rose, suffused amber. Large flow¬ ers and long stiff stems; strong grower. Pkt. 25c. SUSANNA. A fine new sweet pea of a rich brilliant Christmas red. Large ruffled flowers on long stems. It is different from all other early reds and we predict that it will be a great favor¬ ite for "winter gardens. Pkt. 25c. FRAGRANCE. A beautiful clear lavender. Flowers are very large and the wings are slightly ruffled. Good stem; strong grower. Pkt. 25c. Collection 48- F. One packet each of above three varieties, 65c. Netu and "Distinctive Varieties A & M GLOW. Glorious new duplex Sweet Pea in a re. splendent bright rose color. The flowers are phenomenally large, daintily frilled and usually borne four to the stem. Very vigorous grower. Pkt. 20c. APOLLO. Soft appealing shade of salmon cerise. The flow¬ ers are unusually large, nicely waved and carried on stems of exceptional length. Pkt. 20c. BLUE BONNET. An extra large, fine deep blue without the slightest trace of mauve. It has long stems with four blossoms to the stem. Pkt. 20c. GREETING. A new and very pretty long-stemmed laven¬ der. Slightly deeper than Fragrance. Pkt. 20c. HOPE. Pure white and one of the latest improvements. Very fine flower and stem. Pkt. 20c. LADDIE. One of the largest of rose-pink varieties. Pkt. 20c. MISS ANNIE LAURIE. Rich rose pink, slightly deeper than others in this shade zone. Good flowers and stems. Pkt. 20c. ROMANCE. Sparkling salmon-rose color; large flowers and fine stems. Pkt. 20c. SUPER ROSE. Rich rose pink on white grround. Deeper than other rose colored varieties. Large flowers, long stem. Pkt. 20c. VALENCIA. Bright sunproof orange of soft tone. Has immense vigor in growth of good length of stems and bears fine large blooms. Pkt. 20c. COLLECTION 46-F. One packet each of six of the above new distinctive varieties (your selection) for $1.00. General List AMETHYST. Light purple. Very fine. Pkt. 15c; Vz oz. 35c. BLUE BIRD. Violet blue. Extra large and one of the finest. Pkt. 15c; Vz oz. 35c. BRIGHT LIGHT. Flaming scarlet. Pkt. 15c; Yz oz. 35c. COLUMBIA. Salmon rose with white wings. Pkt. 15c;'/2 oz.35c. EARLY DUPLEX GEM. Dainty rose pink on cream ground. Pkt. 15c; Vz oz. 35c. GIANT LILAC. Mammoth lilac mauve; distinct color. Pkt. 15c; Vz oz. 35c. GLITTERS. Cerise. One of the most popular for all pur¬ poses. Pkt. 15c; Vz oz. 35c. GRENADIER. Dazzling scarlet. New and extra fine. Pkt. 15c; Vz oz. 35c. HARMONY. Finest lavender to date. Strong grower, extra large flowers, exceedingly long stems. Pkt. 16c; Vz oz. 35c. HERCULES. Florist pink. Extra large, strong grower, fine stem. Pkt. 15c; Vz oz. 36c. ILLUMINATION. Salmon cerise. A popular favorite. Good. Pkt. 15c; Vz oz. 35c. LOS ANGELES. Brilliant rose pink. Pkt. 15c, Vz oz. 35c. MICHIGAN. Giant lavender. Pkt. 15c; Vz oz. 35c. MRS. CALVIN COOLIDGE. Fine rich salmon pink. Pkt. 15c; Vz oz. 35c. NEW BLUE. A splendid blue. Pkt. 15c; Vz oz. 35c. ORIENTAL. Large deep clear cream on long stems. Pkt. 15c; Vz oz. 35c. OTHELLO. Maroon. Strong grower, large flowers and good long stem. Pkt. 15c; Vz oz. 35c. PERFECTION. Rose. Good strong grower with fine flower and stem. Pkt. 15c; Vz oz. 35c. SNOWSTORM. Improved pure white. Pkt. 15c; Vz oz. 35c. SPRINGSONG. Light rose suffused salmon. Pkt. 15c; Vz oz. 35c. SUN RAY. Glowing cerise. A glorious color and a lovely sweet pea. Pkt. 15c; Vz oz. 35c. THE BEAUTY. Fiery rose. No other color just like this one. Pkt. 15c; Vz oz. 35c. TORCH. Salmon orange. A fine sweet pea in every way. Pkt. 15c; Vz oz. 35c. VULCAN. Vivid scarlet. A flower with some life to it. Glis¬ tening. Pkt. 15c; Vz oz. 35c. WHITE HARMONY. Dainty white; black seeded. Pkt. 15c; Vz oz. 35c. WHITE ROSE. Large pure white; long stem. Pkt. 15c; Vz oz. 33c. ZVOLANEK'S ORANGE. Medium orange. Pkt. 15c; Vz <>*• 35c. ZVOLANEK'S ROSE. Giant rose pink, vigorous, extra large flowers and exceedingly long stems. Pkt. 15c; Vz oz. 35c. A & M SUPERFLORA MIXED. A well balanced mixture of many fine varieties including some of the late introduc¬ tions and improved strains. Plant 1 ounce to a 30-foot row. oz. 20c; Vz oz. 30c; oz. 45c; V* lb. $1.35; lb. $4.50. Rainbow Collection 65 c 6 Packets of A <& M Superflora and 1 Packet McQueen's In- oculator. 1 packet each — Harmony, Illumination, New Blue, Vulcan, White Harmony, Zvolanek’s Rose. $1.05 value for 65c. (See inside front cover.) EARLY FLOWERING SPENCER MIXED. Pkt. 10c. AGGELER & MUSSER SEED CO Los Angeles, California - 27 A & M Stocks Stocks are one of our most fragrrant winter and early spring garden plants. A few plants of these In bloom will fill the garden with sweet perfume, and the branching varieties that we offer make It possible to cut flowers for the house without destroying the beauty of the plant. Plant the seed in fiats, covering with leaf mold or other light material to the depth of about twice the breadth of the seed itself. Plant the seeds thin enough that the plants may be removed with a little soil on the root system and transplant them to the garden when the second or third set of leaves appear. Planted In double rows about 22 Inches apart and the plants 12 to 16 Inches apart in the row, they will support each other and produce a mass of very fine blooms. In transplanting take the plants as they come, large and small, to Insure getting an average percentage of doubles. A & M Bismarck This wonderful strain of Stocks is of branching habit, making It possible to break long branches of flowers from the main stalk without Injuring or destroy¬ ing the beauty of the plant. ANTIQUE COPPER. Hellebore red. Pkt. 20c. APPLE BLOSSOM. Blush. Pkt. 20c. \ BUTTERCUP. Pkt. 25c. \ CHAMOIS. Ivory tinted rose. Pkt. 20c. I DARK BLUE. Near purple. Pkt, 20c. I FIERY BLOOD RED. Bright red. Pkt. 20c. / GOLDEN BALL. Light yellovt. Pkt. 20c. f GOLDEN ROSE. Light golden fose. Pkt, 20c. \ LAVENDER. Light lavender. I'kt. 20c. / LILAC. Dark lavender. Pkt. 20c 1 OLD ROSE. Pkt. 20c. V PURPLE KING. Dark purple. Pkt. 20c. I ROSE. Deep rose-pink. Pkt. 20c. I SHASTA. Pkt. 25c. / WHITE. Pure white. Pkt, 20c. / A & M BISMARCK MIXED. All colors. Pkt. 20c; Vs COLLECTION 33-F— One packet each of s i X selected sepa¬ rate colors — $1.00 oz. 65c. Perpetual Branching GIANT PERFECTION. This type Is of branching habit with long stems, making It very desirable for cutting. The percentage of double is high. Height 2 feet. BLOOD RED. Pkt. 10c. ROSE PINK. Pkt. 10c. LILAC. Pkt. 10c. DEEP PURPLE. Pkt. 10c. WHITE. Pkt. 10c. FLESH PINK. Pkt. 10c. HEATHAM BEAUTY. Rose shaded terra cotta. Pkt. 10c. COLLECTION 44F. One packet each of the above 7 colors, 55c. GIANT PERFECTION MIXED. Pkt. 10c; !4 oz. 60c. Early Mammoth Branching Nice This type Is excellent for bedding and borders and is splendid for cut¬ ting. We offer fine varieties in a choice mixture. Height 18 inches. GIANT NICE. Finest mixed. Pkt. 15c; Ya oz. 50e. Ten Weeks Stocks These should be used strictly for bedding purposes and not for cutting. They make a wonderful showing and are highly satisfactory for this pur¬ pose. Mixed. Pkt. 10c; oz. SOc. Verbenas These hardy perennials are of trailing habit and are used generally for beds and borders. The flowering season Is exceptionally long. The flowers are frag¬ rant and the Hybrid Giant strains make beautiful cut flowers. They do well in sunny locations. Hybrida Giants A fine strain of verbenas with the same characteristics as the mammoth except that each flowerlet in the clus¬ ter Is much larger. This gives the blooming plant a more brilliant effect. LAVENDER GLORY (New). True lav¬ ender with creamy eye. Immense CARMIN'E^V>mK (New). Pkt. 15c. ETNA. Garnet-red, deep cream eye. Pkt, 15c. GIANT SALMON PINK. Pkt. 15c. LUMINOSA. Flame-pink. Pkt. 15c. LUCIFER SCARLET. No eye. Pkt. 15c. ROSEA STELLATA. Rose pink with white eyes. Pkt. 15c. VIOLACEA STELLATA. Deep purple with white eyes. Pkt. 15c. HYBRIDA GIANT MIXED. Pkt. 16c. Verbena Venosa Hardy perennial, very useful for ter¬ race and rock work. Flowers are a rosy purple. 1 foot. Pkt. 15c. Verbena Erinoides (Moss Verbena) Spreading foliage with profusion of purple blooms. Does well in hot loca¬ tions. Pkt. 10c; '/4 oz. 30c. Hybrida Mammoth GOLDEN QUEEN. Pkt. 15c. MAYFLOWER. Pink. Pkt. 15c. BLUE. Pkt. 10c. DEFIANCE SCARLET. Pkt. 10c. PINK. Pkt. 10c. PURPLE. Pkt. 10c. WHITE. Pkt. 10c. MIXED. Pkt. 10c; 14 oz. SOc. COLLECTION 43F. One packet each of the above six named varieties at 10c, SOc. GERMINATING SEEDS IN FLATS Some seeds such as Gerbera, Del¬ phinium, etc. are a little difficult to germinate under ordinary circum¬ stances, but if the following soil pre¬ paration is used a high percentage of germination can be depended upon and the danger of damping-off will be practically eliminated. Take two- thirds peat moss soaked thoroughly in water to one-third coarse sand. Fill the flats with this mixture and firm with a brick or block of wood leaving a smooth surface. Broadcast the seeds on the surface, pressing them lightly into the soil, and cover them with sand only. Cover with bur¬ lap and keep in the shade until the seeds have sprouted. Stocks, A & M Bismarck Viola Cornuta "Tufted Pansies." The flowers are not so large as regular pansies but bloom so freely that for bedding effect they are unsurpassed. The colors are distinct and they also bloom for a long time. APRICOT. True apricot. Pkt. 25c. ADMIRATION. Vlolet-blue. Pkt. 15c. MAUVE QUEEN. Pkt, 15c. ROSE QUEEN. Pkt. 15c, BLUE PERFECTION. Deep bright blue. Pkt. 15c. WHITE PERFECTION. Pkt. 15c. PURPLE. Pkt. 15c. PAPILIO. Light blue. Pkt. 15c. YELLOW. Pkt. 15c. MIXED. Pkt. 10c; 'A oz. 60c. Wallflower Delightfully fragrant flowers growing in spikes similar to stocks. SINGLE ANNUAL MIXED. Pkt. 10c. Xeranthemum DOUBLE MIXED. One of the most at¬ tractive and satisfactory everlasting flowers. The flowers are white, purple, yellow and rose and are pretty in the garden or dried. Plant in the open ground in a sunny situation. Pkt. 10c. Wildflower Mixture See page 2 28 A & M RELIABLE SEEDS and BULBS - Are Unexcelled Vegetables for Fall Planting A & M ASPARAGUS Mary Washington . Argenteuil . Palmetto . A & M BEETS Early Plat Egyptian . Early Blood Turnip . Early Wonder . Detroit Dark Red . A & M BROCCOLI St. Valentine . Italian Sprouting . A & M BRUSSELS SPROUTS A & M CABBAGE A & M Winnigstadt . Copenhagen Market . Cannon Ball . Early Flat Dutch . Drumhead Savoy . A & M Golden Acre . Red Dutch . CHINESE CABBAGE . A & M CARROTS Chantenay . Danvers Half Long . Imperator . Oxheart . A & IVI COLLARDS Southern Georgia . A «S. M ENDIVE Green Curled Golden Heart Batavian or Escarolle . FLORENCE FENNEL . A & M EARLY WINNIGSTADT Introduced by us in 1896. As a winter crop it is in great demand. It is popu¬ lar because it is early, solid, good flavor, sure header and good shipper. The small heads are par¬ ticularly desirable for home use, making it a most sat¬ isfactory home garden va¬ riety. Pkt. 5c; oz. 25c; 1/4 lb. 85c; lb. $2.50 post¬ paid. Postpaid Pkt. Oz. $ .05 $ .20 .05 .15 .05 .15 .05 .15 .05 .15 .05 .15 .05 .15 .05 1.50 .05 .80 .05 0 CO .05 .30 .05 .40 .05 .40 .05 .30 .05 .35 .05 .50 .05 .35 .05 .50 .05 .15 .05 .15 .05 .15 .05 .15 .10 .20 .05 .15 .05 .15 .05 .20 A & IVI HERBS — Anise, Sweet Basil, Borage, Catnip, Dill, Chervil, Lavender, Sweet Marjoram, Rosemary, Sorrel, Sage, Summer S'avory, Thyme. Each 5c. A & M BUNCHING ONION For bunching onions sow 10 lbs. seed per acre or % lb. to a 100-foot row. Many think any white onion will do for a bunching onion, but this is not true. Our growers for fancy trade have learned that we have the best strain of seed for this purpose, and our sales amount to thousands of lbs. each year. Picture shows a sample of what our seeds produce. They are just the right shape. Pkt. 5c; oz. 25c; !/4 lb. S5c; lb. $2.50 postpaid. A & M KALE Tall Green Curled Scotch . T^t’qsav . A & M KOHL-RABI . Early White Vienna . Early Purple Vienna . A & M LEEK . A & M LETTUE Los Angeles Market . Paris White Cos . Chicken Lettuce . A «S. M MUSTARD Southern Giant Curled . Ostrich Plume . Chinese Green . A & M ONIONS Yellow Bermuda Early . Crystal Wax, Early . New Queen, Early . Riverside Sweet Spanish . White SVeet Spanish . Australian Brown . White Portugal or Sllverskin . Bunching . Southport White Globe . Postpaid Pkt. Oz. $ .05 $ .15 .05 .15 .05 .30 .05 .30 .05 .35 .05 .20 .05 .20 .05 .15 .05 .15 . .05 .15 .05 .40 .05 .25 .05 .30 .05 .30 .05 .35 .05 .40 .05 .20 .05 .25 .05 .25 .05 .25 Spinach Prickly Seeded Winter PRICKLY SEEDED WINTER — This variety thrives best in the coldest weather. Our strain is the highest type possible and the seed we are offering has proven very satisfactory, especially to market gardeners, as it pro¬ duces wide thick leaves of dark green color. Pkt. 5c; oz. 15c; lb. 60c; 6 lbs $2.75 postpaid. A & M TURNIPS Purple Top Globe . Snowball . Purple Top Rutabaga . A «S. M PEAS Admiral or Senator . Alderman . American Wonder . Dwarf Telephone . Hundredfold . Laxtonian . Laxton’s Progress . Special Dwarf Telephone . Stratagem . Tall Telephone . Yorkshire Hero . A & M POTATOES— White Rose, Queen. Ready in December. A & M PEPPERS Anaheim Chili . Cayenne . A & M California Wonder . . . A & M Chinese Giant . A & M Pimento . Floral Gem . A & M RADISHES Crimson Giant . French Breakfast . White Tipped Scarlet . Long White Icicle . Early Long Scarlet . Early Scarlet Globe . . Early Scarlet Turnip . . A & M RUTABAGA— Purple Top A & M SPINACH Prickly Seeded Winter . New Zealand . A & M SWISS CHARD Lucullus . White Swiss . Pkt. Oz. .05 .15 .05 .15 .05 .15 4 ozs. 1 lb. .15 .35 .15 .35 .15 .35 .15 .35 .15 .35 .15 .35 .15 .35 .15 .40 .15 .35 .15 .35 .15 .35 d Rose, British prices. Pkt. Oz. .05 .60 .05 .70 .05 .80 .05 .65 .05 .45 .05 .75 .05 .15 .05 .15 .05 .15 .05 .15 .05 .15 .05 .15 .05 .15 .05 .15 .05 .15 .05 .15 .05 .15 .05 .15 A & M RELIABLE SEEDS and BULBS Are Unexcelled - 29 A M Lawn Grass Seeds For Private Lawns, Country Clubs, Golf Links and Public Parks The lawn is the finishing touch of the home and once planted it remains indefinitely, therefore, it is important that the proper selection of seed be made in the beginning and thus avoid disappointment. Pure seed of good germination is important and freedom from weed seeds is necessary for best results. A & M lawn seeds and mixture? are cleaned thoroughly and are tested for purity and germination. When you plant A & M Lawn Grass Seed you are planting the best that the market affords. Write for Lawn Circular No. 18. Many of the Beautiful Lawns of California Are Grown from A & M Reliable Seed. A & M Velvet Lawn Mixture Is Put Up in Sealed Bags for Your Protection A & M Velvet Lawn Grass Has been used for many years throughout the Southwest with highly satisfactory results. It Is a blending of grasses best suited to the variation of temperatures to which the lawn Is subjected during the twelve months’ period and con¬ tains the proper proportion of the best, fine-bladed grasses and white clover. If you are having your lawn planted by a landscape gardener, Insist that he use A & M Velvet Lawn Grass. It requires 1 pound of A & M Velvet Lawn Grass Seed to plant a space 10 x 20 feet, or 200 square feet. This is the least that should be used and a heavier seeding will give quicker results. 1-lb. carton 80c; 5-lb. bag $3.75; 10-lb. bag $7.30, postpaid. A & M Shady Lawn Grass In planting a lawn under trees or on the north side of the house it is often difficult to obtain a satisfactory growth of grass. A & M Shady Lawn Grass, however, is a mixture of fine-bladed grasses especially blended for such places and will produce an even growth of beautiful grass wherever there is considerable shade. 1 lb. 80c; 5 lbs. $3.75; 10 lbs. $7.30, postpaid. A & M Fancy Recleaned Kentucky Blue Grass Every bag of our Kentucky Blue Grass Seed is tested for purity and germination. There is positively no guess-work about it. You know when you buy A & M Kentucky Blue Grass Seed that it is high grade in every respect. 1 lb. 55c; 10 lbs. $5.40, postpaid. Write for quantity prices. A & M White Clover There are many grades of White Clover Seed and A & M is always the best one. We Invite comparison of samples, for when they are examined side by side it is very easy to note the difference in quality. A & M White Clover is tested for purity and germination the same as our Kentucky Blue Grass. It may be used to good advantage in reseeding Ber¬ muda Grass Lawns In the fall of the year. 1 lb. 55c; 10 lbs. $5.40, postpaid. Write for quantity prices. Seaside Bent Grass (Agrostis Maritima) Several varieties of Bent Grass are now on the market, but from many comiiarisons we consider the strain we offer to be the best for California and similar climates. 1 lb. $1.75, postpaid. ASTORiA BENT GRASS. 1 lb. $1.75. AUSTRALIAN RYE GRASS. 1 lb. 35c; 10 lbs. $3.40. PACEY’S RYE GRASS. 1 lb. 40c; 10 lbs. $3.90. ITALIAN RYE GRASS, DOMESTIC. 1 lb. 20c; 10 lbs. $1.90. RED TOP GRASS. 1 lb. 40c; 10 lbs. $3.90. BERMUDA GRASS. 1 lb. 40c; 10 lbs. $3.90. POSTPAID. A & M Velvet Plant Food Used Everywhere with Best Results Every California gardener should fully realize the necessity for fertilizing. Most growers are inclined to use too small an amount of fertilizer and particularly since it is somewhat difficult to secure barnyard fertilizer, there is too often a tend¬ ency to forget the matter entirely. This is a mistake and will often cause disappointment, not only in the lawn, but in the garden as well. A & M Velvet Plant Food will give you very satisfactory results and for the new lawn It should be used at the rate of about 100 lbs. to 1,500 square feet and should be raked in before planting. This should be done several days in advance of seeding. For an established lawn broadcast evenly at the rate of 4 to 6 lbs. per 100 square feet and water thoroughly immediately after applying. For roses, use about % to 1 lb. per bush, depending upon the size of the bush; for trees and shrubs use a larger quantity. It will be found beneficial to all plant life and the results are quick and lasting. It is odorless and well balanced for general purposes. 25-lb. sack $1.15; 50 lbs. $2.00; 100 lbs. $3.50, f. o. b. Los Angeles. 30 AGGELER & MUSSER SEED CO. - Los Angeles, California Poisons Can Now Be Mailed Insecticides and Fungicides Poisons Can Now Be Mailed ACM£ GARDEN GUARD “rr^-SI mi ACME ALL ROUND SPRAY This combination spray fills a long felt want in the vital combat against gar¬ den pests. The preparation includes Arsenate of Lead for chewing or leaf-eating insects, Bordeaux Mixture for blight and fungus dis¬ eases, and thirdly. Nicotine Sulphate 40% for aphis and other sucking insects. The Arsenate of Lead and _ Bordeaux Mixture are mix¬ ed in pimder form and the Nicotine Sul¬ phate is contained in a small bottle. The whole preparation is packed in a handsome lithographed tin. and a complete set of in¬ structions with spray chart is enclosed in each package. */4 lb. tin 35c; 1 lb. tin 80c; f.o.b. Los Angeles. ACME GARDEN GUARD (Non-Poisonous) A convenient, practical and economical all round garden insecticide. It is made from Derris root and is very effective in combatting the majority of chewing insects, as well as many soft-bodied sucking insects. Can be used with great effect on squash bugs, cucumber beetles and red spider, as well as cockroaches. Should be used on green vegetable crops in place of Arsenate of Lead. 1-lb. ctn. 35c; 4-lb. bag 80c; 25-lb. bag $4, f.o.b. Los Angeles. May be mailed. ACME DRY LIME-SULPHUR An invaluable spray for the control of fun¬ gous diseases such as peach leaf curl, mildew, peach twig borer, pear scab, and many other ailments common to de¬ ciduous fruit trees. Is also used extensively for the control of red spider, San Jose and other scale. In the con¬ trol oi luiiaew on roses spray them in Jan¬ uary with Dry Lime-Sulphur and it will aMist materially in preventing this fungous disease. For peach leaf curl, spray the tree in December and again in the spring when the buds begin to show color. For best results it will be necessary to use a good spray pump as listed on next page. For deciduous fruit trees use 10 to 12 table¬ spoons Dry Lime-Sulphur to 1 gallon of water. For citrus trees or other evergreens, 3_ tablespoons to 1 gallon of water. Full directions on package. 1-lb. package 35c; 6-lb. package $1.25, f.o.b. Los Angeles. Ask for prices on larger quantities. ACME BORDEAUX MIXTURE For the control of dis¬ eases such as celery blight, apple black rot, pear scab, etc. Young Sweet Peas, also Chrysanthemums and other plants are greatly benefited by spraying with Bordeaux. Mix 12 to 15 level tablespoons of Bor¬ deaux Mixture in 1 gallon of water. For field and orchard spraying mix 6 lbs. to 50 gallons of water for a 3-3-50 mixture. 1-lb. package 30c: 4-lb. pack- package $1.25, f.o.b. Los BORDEAUX ■ MIXTURE age 65c; 8-lb. Angeles. KALOIL A NON-POISONOUS pyrethrum insect i c i d e which has its own patent¬ ed sulfonated oil spread¬ er and mixes readily with any water at all temper¬ atures without requiring soap or special prepara¬ tion. Kaloil is always free flowing and is effective ataall temperatures. The patented oil spreader energizes the pyrethrum, mak¬ ing it much more efficient, and allowing higher dilutions which makes Kaioil eco¬ nomical to use. Kaloil is especially effec¬ tive in the elimination of such sucking insects as aphids, thrips, mites, mealy bugs and squash bugs. 1% ozs. makes 9 gallons of spray. V/z oz. can 35c; 6 oz. can $1.00; 32-oz. can $3.50; 1-gal. can $11.75 f.o.b. Los Angeles. KALO SPRAY A non-arsenical spray containing a spe¬ cially prepared sodium aluminum fluoride, which makes a spray that mixes easier with water and covers much better than old fashioned sprays. It is used whenever a wet spray is desired and is especialiy efficient for worms on fruit such as cod¬ ling moth. Mix 2 lbs. to 50 gals, of water, /a-lb. can 35c f.o.b. Los Angeles. KALITE A quick killing non-arsenical dust which comes all ready for use. Kalite is used for chewing insects whenever dusting is required. 1 lb. 35c; 5 lbs. $1.50 f. o. b. Los Angeles. Can be mailed. > KILLS ANTS AND GARDEN INSECTS EVER GREEN is recommended for use agrainst both sucking and chewing insects such as plant lice, cabbage worms, cut worms, thrips, cucumber beetle, rose chafer, red spider, mealy bugs. Harmless to hu¬ mans, animals and birds ; kills only insects. 1 oz. makes 6 gals, spray . $ .35 6 ozs. makes 38 gals, spray . 1.00 16 ozs. makes 100 gals, spray.... 2.00 f. o. b. Los Angeles GARDEN VOLCK Contains nico tine and soap. A complete spray for home gard¬ ener, controlling mealy bugs, scale, aphis, thrip and red spider. 31/2 oz. 35c; $1.00; quart $1.50; gallon $4.00. be mailed. pint Can NURSERY VOLCK Highest quality oil spray for use on foliage to con- trole scale, mealy bugs, red spider and mites. Yz pt. 35c; pt. 55c; qt. 80c; gal. $2.00; 5 gal. $6.75. Postage extra. ACME ARSENATE OF LEAD For the control of cod¬ dling moth, cabbage worms, caterpillars, bee¬ tles and all other leaf¬ eating or chewing insects. In mixing spray material use 3 to 4 heaping table¬ spoonfuls of Arsenate of Lead to one gallon of water. Sprayed on the most tender plants it will not burn the foliage. For dusting mix thoroughly one part Arsenate of Lead to 5 or 6 parts Hy¬ drated Lime. 1-lb. carton 30c; 4-lb. paper bag 65c, f.o.b. Los Angeles. DESTRUXOL This is one of the finest sprays we know for use against such common garden pests as aphids, thrips, lice, red spider, leaf roller hoppers, mealy bugs and mildew. It contains Nico¬ tine Sulphate, Cyanide, etc., the Cyanide giving off fumes which reach insect life on the under side of the foliage. De- struxol may be used at all seasons with entire safety although the warmer the wea¬ ther, the greater is the fum- i n g action. There is little chance of burning or checking growth and on roses or other hardy subjects, the solution may be used at double strength. Use 1 large teaspoonful of Destruxol to 1 gallon of water. 1 oz. makes 5 gals, spray . $ .40 2 ozs. makes 10 gals, spray . 65 4 ozs. makes 25 gals, spray . 90 Vz pt. makes 50 gals, spray . 1.50 1 pt. makes 100 gals, spray . 2.15 1 qt. makes 200 gals, spray . 3.75 f.o.b. Los Angeles. BLACK LEAF 40 A 40 per cent Nicotine solution for the control of plant lice or aphids on roses and other garden plants. Must be applied in vapor form with a spray pump. Black Leaf 40 will kill all aphids or plant lice that are covered with the spray material. F\ill directions on the package. 1-oz. bot¬ tle 35c; 5-oz. bottle $1.00; 1-lb. bottle $2.25; 2-lb. tin $3.25; 5-lb. tin $5.85; 10-lb. tin $9.85. SEMESAN A successful seed, plant and soil disin¬ fectant in control of diseases such as “Damping-off” of seed¬ lings. 2-oz. tin 50c; 1 • lb. tin $2.50; 5-lb. tin $11.75, f.o.b. Los Angeles. SEMESAN BEL Very effective in treatment of Gladiolus and other bulbs. It will control disease and produce healthier plants. 4-oz. tin 60c; 1-lb. tin $1.76; 5-lb. tin $8.00, f.o.b. Los Angeles. _ _ NU-GREEN Recommended for brown patch control. Will quickly restore diseased grass to nor¬ mal. 3-oz. tin 50c; 1-lb. tin $1.75; 5-lb. tin $8.00. 4ntrDl Ants Destroyed The Antrol system is adapted to any size house or garden and quickly destroys a 1 1 species of sweet eat¬ ing ants. It is com¬ posed of small glass containers and a spe¬ cial formula of syrup. The containers are partially filled with syrup and placed about the outside edges of the house or along "ant” trails in the garden if the infesta¬ tion occurs there. The ants smell the sy¬ rup, eat it and then transmit its mild poison to the queen in the nest. Soon the entire ant colony is destroyed. Prices : Antrol sets containing 4 containers and 4-oz. bottle of syrup 75c; Antrol extra containers, ea. 10c; Antrol Syrup, 4- oz. bottle 20c; pints 50c; quarts 90c; set of 4 ready-filled Jars 40c. AGGELER & MUSSER SEED CO Los Angeles, California 31 Spray Pumps UTILITY SPRAYER No. 120-G This is an inexpensive high pressure sprayer par¬ ticularly well adapted to general backyard garden use. It is preferred by housewives because of its convenient size and easy operation. The tank is inches in diameter by 17 inches high. The capacity is 2 gallons tested to 100 pounds to insure safety in operation. It operates most efficiently when filled not over three - quarters _ full. The pump cylinder is of seamless brass ; plunger is fitted with specially treat¬ ed leather and it has a bronze ball valve. It is complete as shown. Shipping weight is 9 lbs. With Galvanized Tank $4.25 f.o.b. Los Angeles UTILITY SPRAYER No. 125 This is a 4-gal. capacity compressed air sprayer adapted for use where there is considerable spray¬ ing to be done. Effective in spraying white wash, insecticides, disinfectants, fungicides, and in fact for general all round spraying use. The tank is 7% inches in diameter and 20 inches high. It is sturdily built of first quality galvanized or copper sheet, with con- vexed ends securely held by double folded top and bot¬ tom seams. Pump cylinder is seamless brass tubing, with plunger type air valve of brass. It is equipped as shown. Shipping weight is 11 lbs. With Galvanized Tank $5.50 Brass Tank $8.00 f.o.b. Los Angeles UTILITY DUSTER No. 660 "no^6o OTfOTV*" A real good medium-sized, inexpensive, efficient duster, sure in its operation. 35c f.o.b. Los Angeles. UTILITY DU-MORE SPRAYER No. 147-B This is the sprayer used most exten- s i V e 1 y by commerc i a 1 gardeners. It is particu¬ larly well adapted for garden and field crops, also for vineyards and small orchards. Tank is of heavy gauge copper, capacity 4 gal. Pump is diaphragm type of sure action. Carries 3-ft. %- in. hose, brass shut-off valve, 2-ft. iron extension rod, brass angle fog noz¬ zle. Shipping wt. 19 lbs. $19.50 f.o.b. Los Angeles. UTILITY SPRAYER No. 37-S cated in cut. Pump is sturdy and is a A sturdily constructed, portable high-pressure out¬ fit that is compact, yet light and easily handled. Adapted for use in green¬ house and nursery, also in the vegetable garden, even though rows be close to¬ gether. Strictly a one-man ma¬ chine. Has pressure tank with gauge, also 5 ft. %-in. inter - woven spray hose with 2-ft. iron pipe exten¬ sion. Tank 12%-gal. ca¬ pacity of heavy gauge gal¬ vanized sheet steel, indi¬ lever-operated barrel type. Shipping weight crated, 42 lbs. $25.50 each, f.o.h. Los Angeles. UTILITY PORTABLE SPRAYER No. 36-S This is similar in every detail to No. 37-S with exception of fact that it does not have pressure tank. $15.50 f.o.b. Los Angeles. UTILITY SPRAYER No. 432-B A _ general purpose continuous sprayer very efficient in operation. 1-quart brass tank. New No. 432-B (Old No. 232-B) $1.30; by mail $1.35. UTILITY SPRAYER No. 435 A large ca¬ pacity back¬ yard garden contin u o u s sprayer that is very pop¬ ular. The tank capacity is 3 quarts. It is made of heavy galvanized sheet or brass of durable construction. With Galvanized Tank, $1.65 — Brass Tank, $2.25, f.o.b. Los Angeles. UTILITY SPRAYER No. 427-G Tank has standard mason jar threads. It is glass and therefore resistant to chemicals. Sprayer itself is continuous ; very desirable for general household and garden use. $1.25 f.o.b. Los Angeles. UTILITY DUSTER No. 665 This duster is similar to No. 660 except that it is larger and is for use on a little more extensive scale ; with the extension com¬ pleted as indicated, $1.26 each f.o.b. Los Angeles. UTILITY SPRAYER No. 202 This little sprayer is popular for household and small flower garden use. Constructed of heavy tin ; cap. % pint. 35c f.o.b. Los Angeles. UTILITY SPRAYER No. F-10 An inexpensive, small-capacity, efficient continuous sprayer, con¬ structed of heavy sheet tin, for general household and garden use. It is a new addition to the Utility line. 55c f.o.b. Los Angeles. UTILITY SPRAYER No. 452 This is an inexpensive, well-constructed, heavy tin sprayer of 1-quart capacity. 50c f.o.b. Los Angeles. special Offers Darwin Tulips Collection No. 40-B 1 each of seven varie¬ ties . - 85c 3 each of seven varie¬ ties (21 bulbs) $2.40 Collection No. 41 -B 1 each of twenty - one varieties - - - $1.50 Refer to pages 8 and 9 for descriptions Acgeler eMussER Seed Co. LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA